Pride event in Poland

Most of them any way…

I have some friends that will hate me when I come out to them as trans. But most young people are supportive, that is true

I’ve never seen pride events in anything banned in here, like is blizzard dumb? We have the owl house, sims is still 12+ even tho it’s extremely lgbt supportive, we have LGBT shows and even LGBT supportive news casts. This is just such w dumb designs if they did this intentionally I’m just leaving I’m honestly sick of all the stuff they’ve been doing and I’m going to celebrate pride in DBD


Oh boy, you care.

You care a lot.


Right? Somehow when League of Legends, Valorant or Apex Legends do pride events it’s for EVERYONE. That’s too hard for Blizzard though. A blatant mockery of non-western queer people.


Glad I uninstalled this game. They only “support” the LGBT where it’s acceptable.


I did the same, but for other obvious reasons and much earier.

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I’m trying to make a list of countries that have apparently been mistakenly included in the excluded countries, and they all appear to be related to eastern europe:

  • lithuania
  • poland
  • romania
  • hungary

In my opinion they had the usual problem with the servers, this time probably related to the identification of the countries that connect in the centers located right in eastern Europe rather than those in France that manage the western countries. paradoxically, however, Estonia, theoretically closer to Russia, does not seem to be included in this list.

Are there any of you who have noticed other excluded countries?

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The excluded countries are so inconsistent too,Romania is a no no but Bulgaria is perfectly fine.


Seen Itally players sayin that they also didnt get it.
Turkey players same problem,
Seen post from Hungary sayin same.

At if it comes to law Poland then since 2016 you can get fine for discrimination and hate speech against LGBT in and Out side work or in public. Theres no anti-lgbt law. I guess some countrys from middle europe where just attach to russia region That obviously prohibited any LGBT, you can’t even have rainbow in public.

The post on Reddit (posted 16h ago) was removed by blizz mods so…

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Isn’t ML7 from Romania tho?


Fact I mess up, too much info sorry i corrected the post

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I’m Italian, I have all the promised content (gamemode in midtown, icons and player cards). perhaps many people confuse this because they don’t see the decorated client as usual for events. :man_shrugging:

Hmm… It might be or just part of them didnt get it yet.

I think instead they have taken as a reference the website that does not show the short story in the translated media. and unfortunately it is ONLY available in English, it has not been translated into any other language.

Speaking as a pole: I’m more suprised people care more about those pride icons than our canceled national flag. Kinda surprised here.

In all seriousness now. I for example I’m not a fan of those. No hard feelings, they’re just useless FOR ME. But if somebody else want them - I don’t mind. Just insert a damn toggle or a bundle with those icons/banners for 0 coins in the shop - like they’ve done with earth day weapon charm. Just give us a damn choice.

Cheers everyone.


If it comes for Poland icons then I might have good news for you coze in season 5 there will be rewards with Polish symboles due to their victory in WorldCup in season3.
No one knows what that will be and how meany.

But you know blizz they always drop balls if it comes to deliver promised fitures so it wouldnt be a suprise

Cool, so cry about that in a thread that’s relevant; this non-event didn’t affect the 8+ heroes that are ready to play right now but they’re holding back for future content despite leaving us with exactly 0 content for 3 years to force a horrid system on us out of nowhere.

Then again, I’d guess going by the fact you’ve repeated this vitriol all over, getting flagged for it multiple times, that you’re probably muted and so can’t do that anymore. :person_shrugging:

hasn’t the polish gov been trying to pass a bill to prevent pride parades?

So it seems that your country didn’t want to opt in.

Idk why so many people keep blaming Russia, many countries in Eastern Europe aren’t LGBT friendly, it’s a lot more than just Russia.

The government tried but the massive outcry in the country plus EUs law made them stop. Poland still has pro-LGBT laws and so do 80% of the countries that are banned. Most countries that got banned did so because they’re placed close to Russia and they don’t wanna risk their profit. This is not only racist it’s discriminating, by going by that logic Florida should also be disallowed to have the event YET THEY HAVE IT even tho they’re way more anti-LGBT then Poland. Also we somehow still have pride events in every other game (example DBD) this is a BIGOTTED choice made by the higher-ups so they don’t risk loosing money


They would’ve had even more time to work on “important aspects of the game” if they hadn’t gone out of their way to restrict Eastern European access to content that the rest of the player base has access to :slight_smile: