Pride event in Poland

There is no reason for pride event stuff to be blocked in Poland, and yet it is. Contrary to popular belief, people in Poland do not get imprisoned for being part of the LGBTQ+, and although expressing your identity in this country can be hard with the current social-political landscape, there are in fact no laws that prohibit you from doing so.

Poland is not like Russia. The comic in which it was revealed that Tracer was in a relationship with another girl was NOT censored in Poland.

Once again, I assume this is just a hiccup on the Overwatch dev team’s part. Please fix it. I want to see the rainbow Midtown.


It´s working in Slovakia. Did you check icons, cards and arcade? there is no info in main menu about the event. They “sneaked it” in…

The devs need to work on other important aspects of the game…Not wasting resources on frivolous nonsense


That has nothing to do with the pride event being censored in Poland. Why are you always being such a debbie downer, if you want to talk about other aspects of the game go make another thread.


Because I want a well balanced game.
I want more maps and heros
Can careless about this nonsense


Its good for the society

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then talk about it on a different thread


Then why are you using a thread unrelated to anything you just said? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I did… it is not there…

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It is to protect Polish players, please understand.

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Weird…as I said, it works in Slovakia and we are probably even bigger “black hole” of EU xD

But that is it… Protect me from what?

From engaging in an activity that is perfectly legal in my country, even tho majority are identifying as christians and there are a lot of bigots going around?

I could understand that logic when it comes to a country in which it is illegal to be LGBTQ+, but here? So far it is not made illegal…

Yeah, it is weird. And I hope, just like OP, that it is just dev team slip up


To be fair, it is extremely obvious that Blizzard does not comprehend the law. They are a touch slow.


Tricky, I’d give you all of mine if I could. :frowning:

honestly, from what I am seeing on google
Poland isnt exactly the kindest place to lgbt people

So youre saying all i need it polish VPN?

I know Ray-Ray… It is ok. It is not your fault blizzard dropped the ball… Again…

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It isn’t… But we are legally protected from abuse.

If some one punches me for being queer, that is assault…
I won’t be arrested for being queer.
and so on…

Tf do you mean protect, I’m Polish and openly gay this country isn’t Russia we have the same laws as everyone else. This isn’t protection it’s discrimination


Old people are homophobic yeah, country is still a bit in the back but young people are super supportive. My whole family and my whole school is fine with LGBT. People openly walk around with LGBT flags. This is unfair to all of us in here every game I’m playing has an LGBT event in here expect overwatch