Pretty solid upcoming meta video

Yeah yeah, a lot of Your Overwatch videos are straight cheese, but it feels like a lot of thought went into this video:


Didn’t they say that Sombra will be a must pick and might be “Overpowered” …

Yeah no.

Well, it’s mostly higher level play. For everybody else on Ladder, we could probably use these Sombra buffs/fixes.
đź‘ľ[Sombra] Hack bug fix, Very easy
đź‘ľ Buff Sombra's Team Coordination

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Yeah, I highly doubt it honestly lol. I play at high diamond to low Master and even there it is a hit or miss with Sombra.

And we are talking about rank that is above the player base average.

I think Sombra will have a place in this upcoming Meta, but I highly doubt it honestly as her issue keep growing at this point.