Prestige battlepass goes up to level 200

Found this video. We already knew there’d be a prestige tiers and here they are. Basically there are 10 player titles you can unlock that require an increasing amount of exp. To get the final one would effectively require reaching level 200.

If you’re level 23 right now then you’re on pace to reach this by the end of the season, but it’s more of a flex reward than anything so you’re not really missing out on much. I’m glad they didn’t unlock desirable cosmetics behind this kind of grind.


Oh wow, they’re spread out? I just figured it’d go up to tier 88 :joy:

200 just seems absurd. But oh well, surely nobody’s going to go for them, right? Right??


Im not doing bad then, although i dont see myself going for titles that much. Unless theres a potato or some other funny one im good lol

If it was something like cool profile/player icon borders, yeah that could be worth grinding, but titles… nah I’m good.


I wonder what Tier 200 costs to straight unlock?


At the rate I’m playing yeah I’ll actually get this. But I’m glad it’s nothing more consequential than titles.

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Uh, if i can do math …4000 dollars
But only an idiot would do that, even to prove a point

I don’t think you can buy them. I don’t see the “Buy Tires” button on the left.


Awesome! I am really going for these titles. I am level 19 on the BP so I think it is possible

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If the option is there then blizzard thinks there are some idiots out there.

Lets ask some people who bought the entire BP… like maybe Nega5, they capped out their BP like 2nd day.

Honestly it makes sense to make “prestige” be a grinding thing instead of pay… but it’s hard to believe that they WON’T do the cashgrabby thing anymore.


your soul
20 characters

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True, but if people are that dumb
They would fall for scams daily

Too bad they already handing out the best possible nameplate for free (cats)!

Fools, I would’ve paid any amount of money for that!


There’s no rewards between the titles? I thought they could actually give some coins as prestige reward to make it a little more reasonable to get more cosmetics/next BP but I guess I was thinking too highly of Blizzard.


And that, dear Gamer, is how predatory Monetization works.


Okay im stupid and dumb
Its 400 dollars, not 4000, 2 dollars a tier

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I’m level 32 rn so definitely reaching this, Ow2, mw2, and destiny 2 are all I’m gonna really be playing from now on anyways

I mean… it’s not 4k… but it’s still not cheap.

How much have you been playing a day?

Well since my cat died in August I kinda got depressed and lost my job so um like 8-10 hours a day


I still can’t believe they removed normal account leveling.

Leveling corpa $$$ bullcrap season passes sounds so scuffed

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