I think it will go something like this (keep in mind this is for comedic purposes and I have no intentions of offending anyone, we could all use a laugh.)
dev update intro
jeff: hey guys, this is jeff from the overwatch team and today we will be talking about some more changes coming to everyone’s favourite healer, mercy
the community
I thought we were going to get Pharah revamps this time around? At least that’s what I thought I read on the rumor mill…that and they were looking into the option of transferring cosmetic items between PC and console…
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Do dev updates usually occur on a particular day of the week?
I hope we see more of the Torb rework and we get some hints as to who the third mystery character is that’s getting a rework, or they announce that they’ve been working on both simultaneously and we see both of them.
What I’m Expecting: Torb Rework, mentions of Pharah.
What I Wish: A darn good explanation for why no Lucio short or comic yet.
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It may have been Sombra or Lucio, they did say someone controversial.
oh man, how would they even begin to re-work lucio?
My main bets were Soldier, McCree, Pharah, or Widow
No, they already DID rework them.
Lucio’s wall-ride and boop costing no ammo etc
Sombras overhaul of infinite stealth and locator etc
Ah, right, sorry I think I mis-read something somewhere?
Dev update:
News on the Torb rework
Expanding the social features
A mention of looking into Mercy
If it’s not them though, who?
Genji is literally untouchable, he’s in his most balanced state and changing any of his abilities will either make him OP or UP, no way around that. (Mentioned because he WAS originally controversial)
Could be Mccree or Soldier
Can’t be brig as these reworks were announced before she came to be.
Doomfist maybe? Reaper?
My predictions: new cosmetics, guild system, balance updates for Mercy, Pharah, update on Torb rework
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Reaper could use a re-work, I’ve seen a lot of people upset that he can’t even excel as his role as a tank buster lately.
Brig is a big possibility.
Bastion perhaps? I know there’s been many threads about making him more viable.
McCree is also a strong possibility, he definitely needs help.
It’d have to be someone that’d most likely end up in public disagreement, as it is “controversial”
So who, when reworked, would cause the most public outcry? It’d also have to be someone the community deems underpowered or overpowered, as they promised they wouldnt change things just to change things if the character was balanced.
Also, the most important thing this game needs right now:
More reason for people to use LFG.
That’s a big YES from me GF
Bri is now officially a Tank/Support/DPS
So they are now boosting her DPS up to 180/s
I just re-read jeffs post, sounded like the rework has already been done by the way he said it a long time ago, he said “We’re more focused on Symmetra right now… And someone else…”
Which means since they are working on torbs rework right now said rework has already happened.