Post mercy meta paranoia

An ana grenade,zen discord will render valk useless. Moira balls, amp up, ana nade negate dmg boost. Valk is so easy to counter its stupid.

I think that is called “counterplay”, not “countered”.


Thats not how it works. An ult is meant to be strong regardless of abilities.

Ana grenade COMPLETELY makes Transendence useless. Maybe buff Trans too? lollll


It’s interesting how Mercy mains keep saying Mercy is so weak and not fun but they still play her all the time. Do Mercy mains enjoy losing and making the game more boring? Not understanding the logic here.


I mained roadhog and kept playing him after he was destroyed.

A lot of them seem to agree that Mercy is indeed strong, (which she is), but they want her to be fun. I respect those Mercy mains, and kinda agree. But then there’s these handfuls that insist Mercy is weak, despite the OWL pickrate xd. And then they argue that Tracer needs to be nerfed cuz her OWL pickrate, but then suddenly Mercy’s OWL pickrate doesn’t matter in their discussion. It’s quite scary.


OWL uses the same 6 heros on the same few maps.

Mercy being one of them.


That would /maybe/ be true if Rez wasn’t such a challenge to pull off.

Aside of breaking the flow of her gameplay(Which is of a fast and mobile healer) forcing you to stay still for 2 seconds, more oftent han not you die in the process, getting no value out of it. AND it can be interupted, putting it on a 30s CD.

It used to be like that, but now we get a garbage ult and a “”"“powerful”""" E that you can never use.

Tracer doesnt need to be nerfed.

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Look at this thread. Tons of people saying how easy it is to counter Valk etc. I’d say the ones that admit Mercy is strong is the minority. I see more posts saying how weak rez is etc. It’s pretty sad. I wish they would all be forced to play Ana for a week as punishment.

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I’m glad we can agree on something.

I’d argue that post-Nano nerf, Nano’s the most boring support ult to use.
If you don’t think she’s fun now, then the only thing you thought was fun about her prior was her ult, which wasn’t fun for… Just about everyone else.

Valk doesn’t punish the hero just because you’re not supposed to rez during it (though you still can and it happens quite often).

She doesn’t need a buff to be fun, because she’s balanced.

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OWL Pickrate =/= good or bad hero.

Dude!! I consider myself a pretty good Ana, but I can’t get half the value out of her ( I placed 4250 and used to main Ana), than I can with Mercy. It’s sad. Mercy is the best support in my eyes.


Completely false. Look at Sym. Bad hero, underpowered, 0% pickrate FOR a reason.


Currently mercy is the 2nd worst healer. Moira is the best.

Except Mercy has a higher pickrate this week than Moira in GM.


Hello, I’m a top 200 Mercy Main. I spend much of my time researching the viability of Mercy, playing her, and watching how she performs on ladder and in OWL. As you can imagine, Mercy’s viability is very important to me. She is insanely strong right now.

Currently, Mercy is the second most picked healer in OWL. Her pickrate is 80%. That’s insane. She’s the third most picked hero in OWL overall, with Zen being the 1st support and second overall hero at 85% pickrate. Her OWL pickrate shows that she does NOT need a buff.

If that wasn’t enough evidence, her pickrate and winrate in every rank Bronze-GM is insanely high. In GM her pickrate is now 7%, which is higher than MOIRA’s pickrate in GM. Mercy is statistically too strong if anything, not at all weak/in need of a buff.