Since shields got nerf, I REALLY started enjoying Overwatch more, but, like aways, people take steps to make their games easier of some kind (not blaming anyone, that’s my opinion), and I have a solution for the shields problem.
Tank queues are surely the fastest queues in the game, and for that reason would be easier to split the queue for MAIN tanks (Rein, Orisa, Sigma, Winston) and OFF tanks (D.Va, Wrecking Ball, Roadhog, Zarya). Spliting these queues would make no more them 1 shield in the game per team, fixing the problem for once.
Give me your opinions on that, thank y’all .
Hello offtank queue that is as long as dps and then MT queue that if you even hover over it you are insta queued.
You do realize the reason why tank que’s are some of the fastest in the game right? Because no one wants to play tank, so much so Blizzard had to resort to bribing players to play the least popular role with a free loot box/ 25 credits.
Splitting it further won’t really help at all… This also does nothing to fix the reason shields exist in the game. Insta kill attacks, ult charge build up, CC moves and so on.
So many things in OW are only stopped by shields that to not have them is a huge issue and would force a rebalance of the entire game. Not the least of which all the DPS that got a long string of buffs to counter Double shields and Goats.
Well, I’ve been looking at Tank design for about the past 9 months, and here’s the best I can come up with.
[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes
- Nerf AnchorTank self-defenses at close range
- Buff AnchorTank projectile speed (I.e. Useless at close range)
- Buff AnchorTank barriers to Rein tier (I.e. Useless at close range)
- Buff OffTank teammate protection (useful at close range)
- Buff OffTank self sustain (useful at close range)
AnchorTank | OtherTanks | |
Strength: | Medium/Long Range | Close Range |
Weakness: | Close Range | Medium/Long Range |
Firepower: | Similar | Similar |
The queues DO NOT even need to be split. Just cap the hero selection screen to ONE shield tank. You can run ONE or you can run NONE.
You just can’t run 2 shield tanks. Done.
Rebalance shield tanks to work as solo shields and rebalance tanks as a whole as needed otherwise.
Forcing two or more roles to share the same que is a disaster waiting to happen. Tons of people would join a match, find their role taken and be forced to play something they don’t want. Probably be extra salty or just leave. It’s the same reason we don’t use Role lock without Role que.
The issue is mostly that you can’t just be useless at close range as a tank in OW. Too much the game is built around getting close. It’s kind of why Orisa has struggled most of her life in OW.
Tanks have to push forward, contest and capture objectives. Generally speaking have to deal with enemies pushing forward into them. Very rarely can you sit back at mid to long range and just support your team as a tank. If your not up front no one will be.
There arent even nearly enough shield tank only mains to warrant such a concern.
Rarely, if ever, do you have 2 shield tank only mains on the same team. Most people are only playing shield tanks cause they have to run Sig/Orisa or Rein/Zarya (90+% of the tanks would likely rather be the Zarya than the Rein, let’s be real) to have a better chance of winning. AND that’s really only at the highest levels. Getting a shield tank, even just one, isn’t like super super often anymore even in Plat/Diamond these days.
EDIT: I think this whole main vs off tank thing needs to be thrown out.
If we shift towards Shield vs Off (or non-shield) tank, Blizzard can keep making more Shield tanks in the future without fear of it worsening something like double shield meta.
That’s why teams would gravitate having both an Offtank and an AnchorTank, to get full coverage.
Also Rein would be weaker at close range, but also stronger than Orisa or Sigma. So he’d still be the best AnchorTank at close range.
I’d rather play against pre-nerf DoubleShields than forcibly limit hero selection in the manner you are describing.
But god forbid we suggest something like balancing the tanks instead of just doubling our likely tank queue times.
Doing something like this you start to run into issues with balancing, especially with sigma and ball. Sigma as a main tank is really inconsistent and ball is a hybrid. Putting them into roles based on whether they have a barrier or not kinda messes up sigmas power, as he’s not really a main tank but in the main tank role, while ball is not really an off tank but in the off tank role. This means sigma basically gets bodied (unless buffed) and the meta (from my view) defaults to rein/zar or Winston ball. It doesn’t really solve the issues of tank balance, it just kicks it down the road for a few months
I though about it as well, and my conclusion was that it would be even a easier way of fixing the problem, but would make some players angry about not playing what they really want at the end.
trust me pal, th eonly way double barrier is going away is if blizz take their attention away from owl and ow2 and put some effort into this sideshow they have made and remove sigmas barrier and refocus him on being an off tank and setting in stone what a main tank is allowed to do with no overlap tyo prevent future abominations of character kit design
The solution to double shield is a healthy dose of Sombra… ngl…
Not even a ‘possible’ solution.
The solution for double shield META (or any META) is to play what you want and realize the META does not affect 99.9% of the playerbase.
One of the main problems I always felt with Double shield is DPS refusal to swap. There are many hero’s better at destroying shields than others, it won’t stop the dps from picking tracer or Genji though. Seriously play tank some time, double shield or not. If the enemy team actually focused down the shields they get blown up in a second or two.
But at least one DPS is some kind of low powered flanker or some such. Others fire randomly around the field, never focusing on any target. Sure some adjustments could of been made but the over whelming problem was player choices.
You would be laughed at if you tried to complain you couldn’t kill Phara with Doomfist or Junkrat. Every one would expect you to swap to hit scan and deal with her. But for some reason people think hero’s who do little to no dmg are a good pick against a shield. But hey so what if the enemy has 2-3 shields… Widow is a perfect pick!