Possible change to D'va matrix?

Yeah sure, why not.

Oh, but at the same time, you remove her falloff entirely, tighten her spread, give her another 400 armor, remove ult charge gains from dealing damage to D.va armor, and remove her movement penalty from shooting.

That’s what you want, right? Removing any kind of tanking capability from D.va, so let’s make her purely damage oriented instead, I’m sure you’ll have a lot more fun and she will be significantly less oppressive?

Just leave her as-is. She’s a 70-30 split tank between mitigation/brawling and mobility. The other two offtanks are 100-0. She’s picked for the 30% mobility. Get me offtanks with different splits, prove to me that D.va is STILL picked over other mobile offtanks, and then we can talk.

I do not want anything, my man (my person). I said “what if”, so I just wanted some criticism to a random idea of mine. And for some reason, the only thing I got of posting this are semi-toxic ironic responses instead of some analysis of how this change would affect D’va, the metas and the game in general.

Ok, that’s fair.

It would change D.va for the worse. It would be very clunky, since you wouldn’t be able to tap it and use your experience and personal skill to increase it’s effectiveness by correctly identifying important cooldowns like helix rockets or bio-nades, without screwing yourself over, since you’d have to use all 3 charges before you could start accumulating them again.

And how long would each “part” last? The full 2 seconds, or a reduced amount? If it’s less, you’d be reducing DM’s already relatively low uptime even further.

I guess, if change was to be made, the duration of the DM would have to be buffed a little as a trade-off for the cool-down. Not sure how much for the each “part” would be considered as balanced, though.

And if you wanted to hold DM for the full duration? You’d have to use it 3 times instead, which makes it even less fluid. Or are they automatically expended? Which means you’d have to know the exact timing to cancel, or you’d risk “wasting” an extra charge.

Yet another suggestion that punishes good usage of DM and forces dva to use her full DM resurces to do anything.


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In my mind, it works just like right now but locks in after each “part” is used

This is a short and concise version of what I’m saying as well. DM is fine as is.

Not to mention this kind of mechanic could be easily cheesed. Just press DM during downtime on nothingness to replenish your whole resource meter. If enemies do not coordinate to take dva down as soon as her whole matrix is down, they are punished via cheesing.

But the cooldown and not being able to charge up resources unless you use up the whole meter is just asinine, clunky and unneccesary. Just imagine if rein was not able to regenerate his barrier unless his barrier was completely broken first… because this is that kind of change. You would not have any kind of defensive ability for when you actually needed it and it has a long cd, because some dumb mechanic forced you to use all of your resources before getting anything back even if carefully managed. Carefully management becomes punishing instead of rewarding, because suddenly you don’t have but very small amount of resources when you needed the majority, but lo and behold it has a super long cd too.

Imagine Zarya not having her barrier cooldowns charging up if she only uses one type of barrier and the other is put on indefinite hold until she is forced to waste the other barrier on something so she can get her self-barrier back.

This change also doesn’t fly with other types of resource managements in OW, there is no room for this kind of inconsistency.


Thank you for your in-depth response. To be honest, I actually like the way D.va is rn. It just seems that there’s basically no time in game when she would be cosidered bad. I guess, to make her less viable, they would have to make other off-tanks viable. Not sure how they would do it, though. Will the one-shot Hog return (Which I wouldn’t mind tbh) or would new heroes allow to see less D.va play in the game? I just hope they won’t add a second “Brigitte” into the game to specifically counter D.va

Not sure why dva specifically would have to be made less viable when she already is less viable than both reinhardt and zarya in ladder and pro games are them living in their own bubble overwatch that has no influence over the ladder one.


Leave the smol korean alone.

but it’s positives far outweigh it’s negatives. Like, it can eat ults. That alone makes it more solid than Zarya’s bubbles.

Combine that with the fact that with good resource management, it will rarely have downtime. Or when it does have downtime, she has her boosters to make her evade more.

It needs a rework. While this rework I’m on the fence about, what makes or breaks this for me is her CD duration. Are we talking 6 seconds of CD, or a glimpse into the past where DM was tied to a 10 second CD?

If it’s the former, I can bear with it. The latter, and DM will have too many cons, and picking DM to be the pacman vs ults wouldn’t be enough to run her.

DM, at the very least, needs a revert back to her state after she got it buffed to be a toggle. I’m sick of this 3DM box that does everything and blocks everything.

Nevermind the grav the Dva just used, meanwhile I spent 1 whole minute charging the ult of the Dva’s supports JUST trying to demech her, and now my team is at a disadvantage.

It’s goes far deeper than just the DPS scapegoat you like to point at.

Also, it’s hard to play around DM when the Dva is getting heals (like from Ana).

But this is when you tell me to focus the Ana. In which case, my responce is that I’ve already tried.

When you have a Dva DMing the Ana and peeling for her, and an Ana who is naturally gifted at pocketing tanks, which do you go for? The Ana that you have to fight through sleeps, nades, and DMs, or trying to brute-force your way through Ana’s healing and DM to demech the Dva?

I’ll tell you right now, DM is the constant in both those situations. This makes it far more versatility compared to other defensive abilities.

And lets not forget that DM eats nades and sleepdarts, so thus there is a need for both teams to run Dva. This flexibility is what ruins the other off-tanks.

Wrong. She wasn’t used in triple tank until they over buffed her to her current 600hp. Before that triple tank was Rein, Hog, and Zarya.

When you create ability. It’s supposed to have more pros then cons. There’s no point in using a ability if it had more cons. Also if d.va eats your ults. She straight up out played you. Why are you throwing your ult into a d.va? Also bubble block zarya and sym damage, d.va ult, save against a enemy dragon, protect against melee like a rein or genji blade, junkrat ult, doomfist meteorstrike and d.va can’t. And shields can block for a lot more and deny ult value too.

D.va is a giant walking Crit box that feeds ult charge and gets burned down quickly. If she didn’t have dm and her evade. There would be absolutely nothing she could do in this game. The cool downs are set so she can do her job, hop in and get out. That’s how she’s designed to be played and Winston is the same way. Dm is only from the front. Your team can collapse on her and burn her down from the side in a second.

Zarya can also bubble a slept or antinaded target.even deny it too. Just in a diffrent way.

Let’s not forget rein and zarya on ladder have a higher winrate and pickrate then d.va. And is last out of the off tanks for damage in diamond through gm.

Dm isn’t op. Don’t throw your ult dead on into a d.va and it doesn’t get eaten. Play smart. On the ladder where we all play. D.va is 100% balanced and isn’t outperforming

nah i dont blame you i am going to be honest i am anti d.va right now because i want to see more hog in pro play and she prevents a lot of that, so i am obviously pretty biased so i dont blame you

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Hog being bad prevents a lot of that.

There’s nothing wrong with DM, it’s probably one of the fairest abilities in the game.
Her window to use it is tiny, and the only reason why you’d ever want DM over a barrier is to eat an ability that a barrier can’t. If Dva is playing smart and has good reaction time, why shouldn’t she be able to shut down enemy abilities?

I don’t play D.va at all, but I’ve never once thought fighting against her is unfair in any way. Heroes SHOULD be viable in a wide range of situations. It prevents the game from having more cases of Symmetra-itis, or Bastion-itis, or Torbjorn-itis.


A “basic shield” does not ‘eat’ ultimate abilities or peels for teammates she directs it at even if she is in bad position. DM is by far just a simple shield but superior.

Except it trade offs that makes it worse then a shield. It’s completely situation based. Please refer to my last comment if you need examples