Possible change to D'va matrix?

What if D’va’s matrix was split into 3 parts and once she uses one of it, it doesn’t restore and when she uses all 3 of them, the ability is put on a cooldown? Here’s a crappy illustration of it i.imgur.com/lQo2XuS.jpg
Just a random thought a had.




That sounds terrible and really annoying to use imo. Also the fact you have to use all 3 to get a cooldown puts her in a really bad spot in fights


i think it would actually separate the good d.va’s from the terrible ones tbh, DM is a pretty broken ability tbh


It’s really not. It only last 2 seconds and basically a shield with good and bad trade offs.


It’s 2 seconds for gods sake. Orisas gun reloads for 2,5 seconds


still blocks on average just under 6,500 k damage, that is a good chunk of damage blocked, yes obviously its 2 seconds long but the amount you can block in those 2 seconds is insane and never mind all the abilities that can be blocked

but lets keep d.va as a character who does insane damage, blocks a good chunk of damage, has amazing mobility, because the best thing for the game is one character who can do everything really well


So dva is the new witchhunt victim then?


It’ll be D.Va followed by Rein/Zarya and then we’ll see Hog go back to F tier probably.

The whole thing is bad DPS players frustrated they can’t just shoot every tank in the face head-on. It’s an anti-tank witchhunt that you’ll see play out all through 2019. I guarantee you once D.Va gets ruined, Rein will be the next target.

Just start calling these people out for what they are: Silver DPS mains


Damn. And this whole time I thought I was coming into these nerf dva threads to defend. But my roll of choice clearly defines me and means I agree with everything other dps mains say :joy: c’mon man chill on blanket statements.
She is fine tho and the main reason I’ve lost all faith in these forums is both that blanket blame that dps, supports, and tanks throw at each other and the witch hunting people do “because x hero killed me one time”


I think Defense Matrix right now is in a good state. The problem was giving her micro missiles, allowing her to easily confirm kills on targets running away and drastically reducing her TTK.

IMO, you need to choose between having good pursuit abilities, or the best defensive maneuver in the game. Having both makes Dva too strong.

Insane damage? You do realize She has a lower damage then zarya and roadhog.

Rein and zarya both beat her in winrate and pickrate on the ladder where we all play. Where is your nerf outcry for these two?

Obviously less damage blocked then both of the shield tanks. 6000 isn’t even a lot. That’s 3 rein shields of 6 orisas roughly.

Nothing about her warrants a nerf. It’s time for you to move on and end the witch hunt.


Dva is only strong with good healers. If the healing is bad she can’t really do much. If you are getting owned by dva it’s your own fault really, she punishes out of position squishes, but it’s not like she can go 1 v6 and hard carry games. People who complain about dva are dps who resent being punished for their terrible positioning or people who ult in front of her without waiting for Dm to be on cool down then cry when it gets eaten.


So … making her utterly useless as a tank in any form then? She melts like butter in her mech,


Nah she fine as she is.
It’d be a bit too much like her old DM I’d think.


really not intending to start a witchhunt, was just checking out reddit threads on d’va and had a random idea so i decided to put it out to see what people think of it

Without micro missiles she will DM for 2 seconds then has to wait 8 seconds for it to recharge. What should she do for those 8 seconds, shoot pellets at enemies?


Alright so lets devs remove the micro-missile. Now d va only has mobility and dm. Their would be no reason to pick d va. When Zarya exist right now d va and zarya are best off tanks. You would have to increase dm duration or make her even more mobile.


6,388 to be precise. But Zarya blocks more at 6,556. In fact, the only tanks that block less damage are Roadhog and Hammond because they don’t block damage at all. Just saying, for “infinite” damage blocking she actually blocks the least damage of any tank that blocks damage.


It’ll be like this. Nerf D.Va. Then Nerf Rein and Zarya. Oh no, D.Va is popular again because we nerfed Zarya. Nerf D.Va again. Wait… how did Zarya get back on top? (There’s only 2 of them because Hog isn’t good. Nerf one and the other gets stronger.)

Hog will get nerfed out of spite because he can one-shot despite never being meta. Then Orisa will be nerfed because she is too good at turtling and it’s “unfun”. I mean if you nerf Rein and D.Va then Winston won’t be good and she’ll be the only main tank option so she’ll need to get nerfed as well of course.

Yes, we are seeing an anti-tank movement crop up. You are 100% correct.