Possible change to D'va matrix?

Yes, micro missles was the trade off for decreasing the DM duration in the first place. The devs know they can’t have a 2 second DM with her current damage. If she lost micro missles it would be increased to at least 2. And if DM gets a nerf then her damage or durability would probably need a buff.

She can’t take a straight nerf. For pros maybe, but not on the ladder.


If each of 3 parts were 2 seconds and there was no delay between them then ok. :3
But honestly, there were too many DVa reworks.

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overbuff tells me she has a higher damage than both roadhog and zarya but i am sure you are a better source than overbuff

Look at diamond, masters and GM. There you will see

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and how many players are gm? balancing should be for everyone not for gm but speaking of gm roadhog has about 400 average extra damage than d.va a match which is not much considering he has no utility or mobility that d,va has, however i get your point with zarya her damage in gm is far higher than i expected

btw i seen you around the forums and had no issues with you there is no reason to be rude to me because i think d.va can do too much, i am not even starting a witchhunt yes i believe she can do far too much but i never created a topic asking for a d.va nerf

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If you include lower ranks it’s higher, but once you get above plat, she does less damage.


i actually find that interesting i guess higher ranked d.va’s focus more on protection

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I’m not sure why the change in Hog, but I think it’s more that higher ranked Zarya’s are better at maintaining a high charge. They have better bubble timings.


Hey you know what?

We separate Reinhardts shild in 3 parts. Everytime he block more than 200 damage it gets on a 10 sec cooldown.

Hopefully you see how dumb you sound there


This sounds like a budget way to put DM back on cooldown.

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I’m sorry. I don’t me to be. Im just frustrated


People complaining about DM are hanzos that are mad I ate their arrow.


Overbuff tells me Zarya is better at dealing damage than d va. Also roadhog and d va damage output at ever rank similar.


Even Silver DPS mains have standards. As a DVa main, it honestly takes some time to learn and understand the DM. Most low level DVa players I see waste it away, not even blocking anything.


Also, bodyblocking, contesting point or high ground, repositioning for the next fight, boosting into someone’s face to drop them off ledges, and other off-tank duties.

Maybe even buffing a bit her primary fire, lowering the spread and reducing the falloff damage decay.

also known as feeding the enemy ult.

All off tank duties involve helping your teammates get cover (Bubbles, matrix)
Clearing out space with ults (Grav, Hog, nuke)
and securing kills with their higher than main tank damage (Charged Zarya Beam, roadhogs weapon) for which D.Va uses her missiles. She can’t bring enemies to her like hog does with hook but instead goes to them since she can’t do damage without stepping into melee range basically.

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Remember that D.va was always meta since they put DM as a resource bar. She worked fine before having missiles, and everyone knew DM is literally the most useful and versatile ability in the game. A DM nerf was demanded by both casuals and pro players alike. It was one of those rare instances where mostly everyone agreed on something.

Heck, D.va is so powerful that she is the hero responsible for most delayed respawns in any pro match, and they still pick her consistently.

Then the devs nerfed DM. Except it was not a nerf, because they increased her attack power by adding missiles and the ability to shoot while boosting, so it was a trade.

D.va worked without missiles. She didn’t needed them to be a meta tank pick since forever (only exception was during pirate ship era, and only in Junkertown). That’s my pet peeve with the missiles.

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You are wrong. She was Meta in DIVE, what should be normal for a DIVE TANK and she is now a pick in GOATs. In the Hanzo meta she wasnt picked as much as Reinhardt or Zarya (You know that time that Hanzo could deal almost 1000 damage every 6 sec).

The DM nerf was FORCED by the bad dps player that was in the ladder, the pros (if you mean with pros some youtuber, bury yourself) never said that D.Vas 4 sec matrix was opressiv.

And if you nerf a part of a hero you must make another part better and the DPS player said that they dont want a D.Va with armor or more damage (both got nerfed thanks to them in Season 3) so they nerfed her DM and gave her a new skill. Really great.

And back to your point that D.Va is still played in Pro matches, that because there are not anyother hero that fills her niche /So you can understand this she is played in DIVE and GOATs the both only metas that can be played). And if you want to get that D.Va dont get staggered anymore, remove her call mech as an ult, make it a skill and let her charge her bomb in the pilot form.

Calling D.Va again for a witch hunt is just dumb. She never was the problem. The other heroes that she CAN enable are the problem, not her. If you are a DPS that know how to move his mouse and dont is stupid enough to challange a tank in close combat you will win. Everytime. btw GOATs get enabled through Zaryas high burst damage. her bubble and the dash from Brigitte. Why not calling a hunt for Zarya than?

She was also meta in triple tank because at that time she had 100 health and 400 armor, heavily benefiting from the constant ludicrous healing that Ana could dish out at that time. Plus, she could delete enemy Ana grenade.

She is currently played in goats for the same reason, to prevent the enemy team from just picking Ana and nullifying the whole “group together and area heal” shtick that is behind goats.

Skip to 5:45 in the video. They have no plans to change dva