Positivity forever 😜

Support main at your service :rescue_worker_helmet:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Oh, hello Auriel! Long time no see!

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Hello BattlePants :yum:

always remember positivity is :key:

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Glad to see you’re got another positivity thread going, this community needed it desperately…


Agreed I only regret that I mentioned I’m leaving on it but as I said if you, KnockingNick, CoolUserName, Rocktopus and Drizzm band together you’ll make a fine team :wink:

Always remember positivity is :key:


I hope we find a way to get something like that going. It’s a shame you won’t be sticking around, but I understand and respect your decision to go.

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Thank you but as I said I’ll return someday it just won’t be in the near future but I can say it’ll be after OW2 releases but when I do return you’ll know the first thing I’ll do is make a positive thread if these forums are still standing that is :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Man, am I looking forward to Overwatch 2!! A fun story, where players only compete against AI… I’ve never seen anyone get toxic in the Archives missions, so I think it’ll be good there too.

I anticipate your return when you do come, knowing this community and its habit of destroying itself, the path to Overwatch 2 will be a “fun” one. Oh well, lol, I’ve stuck it out through worse. The people who play this game might suck (well, a lot of them anyway), but the game itself is so enjoyable. I love Overwatch!


Auriel needs some eggnog.


I’ll combat toxicity in game make no mistake about that but I’ll leave the forums to you and the team if they agree that is :sweat_smile:

@Serencious - that does sound nice but a nice cup of Coffee for me if I’m being honest :coffee:

But I’ll take up your offer anyways :yum:

Always remember positivity is :key:

I think we should tie Auriel up and stick them in the forum closet. :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hm. I think I’ll make my own positivity thread in a few days, if I see the forums are starting to get extra negative again. You’re a real inspiration, let me tell you.

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Isn’t it a touch late for coffee?

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It is never too late for coffee. Coffee is my life. Lol…

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Auriel the archangel of hope would save me :innocent:

And speaking of which here she is :angel:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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Your aim will be worse if your hands are shaking. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Meh, I play Junkrat. As the man says himself:

“Aim is overrated anyway.”

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I mean, Junkrat is always on SOMETHING. The dude is crazier than a crazy cat lady starter kit. (basket of kittens)


Lol you made me laugh. He’s a little nutty, but that’s part of why I love him. I’ve always had a soft spot for the nutjob characters.

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A LITTLE nutty? That’s like saying that a jumbo jet is a paper airplane. Junkrat is all the way nutty. :smiley: