Poor Widow... This is gonna suck

That repair pack nerf isn’t that bad. RP is still good, especially on a doomfist or hammond.

I still hope Blizzard buffs her sustain somehow. 50hp shield or 10hps self heal would be nice. Nothing too big.

But it’s longer than the old 63% time. The time it takes to charge a killing shot has increased.

I mean:


You guys are greatly over exaggerating what his winrate was here. It was never great.

second most picked dps btw, when 2 dps is mandatory. If anything, you’re over reacting to the moth mercy effect. Remember when she got nerfed, everyone stopped playing her and thought she was trash… then she came back even stronger into the meta.

3.57% is not even close to being high enough for mirror match-ups to be effecting his win-rate.

I am not saying his pick-rate isn’t good! I am saying that is win-rate really isn’t! Considering the fact that metas take a while to shift, if Hanzo does completely fall out of the meta, he will not be in a good spot.

when… it was never good… Like, i just showed you even when his pickrate was bad, he was still bordering low 50% range in gm.

This is a slap on the wrist, they should be nerfing her scoped damage to 80 as well, so that a max damage shot with bonus is only 200. She doesn’t need to headshot rn, she can just hit them with two underpowered bodyshots with no fall off.

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Yer true and is one of the reasons I never thought he deserved super harsh nerfs.

Ana for example literally had the highest pick-rate in the entire game for over a year (including GM) and with zero nerfs shifted out of the meta. Like Hanzo her win-rate was never really that good and is probably why she wasn’t nerfed into oblivion like every other hero during Goats.

She was literally the only hero in goats that didn’t receive nerfs despite her literally having double the pick-rate of the next highest support and by far the highest overall pick-rate in the game.

Widow can destroy and entire team in less than 5 seconds as it is now without even ulting. You can relearn your muscle memory, it’s not that big a deal. :confused:

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Probably because ladder was never fully committed to goats. They were playing 2/2/2 and 3/2/1 just as much. When people did run goats, they ran it with Zen over Ana specifically to burst through Ana’s potential. The same way the pro’s played it.

This is an interesting change for me, and I’ll explain why.

While, yes, it does mess with muscle memory and while it is a nerf, overall, I think making it 1 second might be good in the long run, at least, for me.

The reason is, the “rhythm and flow” of it. 1 second is a more “countable” number, mentality than .83. Same can be said for the 70% charge indicator now (something closer to 3/4 of a second will feel more “natural”, if that makes sense)

While I’m far from a Widow Main, I have put enough time on her to know the Live count and it always felt… “off” to me (much like Hanzo’s speedy arrows). There was a disconnect with how I wanted to play the Hero and how the Hero wanted to be played.

So, while it is a nerf and I’m sure will be felt by Widow Mains/One Tricks, GM players, and all that good stuff. Personally, I think I’ll like the change. It will be more “in tune” with how I always wanted to play her.

So, uh, I went on the PTR for a bit and messed around. Honestly, the nerf isn’t that bad overall. It really doesn’t impact anything other than heroes with more than 200 health. It feels the exact same to me to fire with Widow’s scoped shot on PTR as it does on live. If the enemy has over 200 health, she might have a bit of trouble charging up the shot in time, which just makes her a bit more divable. It’s honestly a nerf I’m perfectly fine with.

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oh noooo poor widow this has never happened to any hero ever

Well double tracer winston and Lucio was a thing back then, on some maps.

A lot of people still run Hanzo to counter Hanzo, and they also still play him like before. Until people are picking his actual counters against him, we’ll won’t know where he ends up. He is similar to Widow in that regard, though Widow has that happen more than him.

A lot of folks out there still fight one shots with one shots.

I expect that to go down with time as they get more comfortable running other heroes and then we’ll see how he actually shakes out.

IKR. This victim complex this guy has drives me nuts

I got absolutely no problems with it, it means the jump shots around corners might not one tap 200 HP heroes.

Pretty sure pros were scrimming lots of Widow, giving how they’ve been probably balancing around scrims and OWL player feedback.

I’m with OP. I’m not against widow being nerfed and honestly it doesn’t seem like OP is either—it’s a really harsh nerf to have it mess with muscle memory when that’s like half the skill to this hero…

Wait, what? Widow back to her 2016 status?

Either I genuinely don’t recall well enough or I’m mixing it with 2017, but as far as I can remember Widowmaker was a monster back when the game came out. Now, admittedly the game was still new and everyone tried to adapt to Heroes and their play styles. But I absolutely remember Widow back then was this beast from afar everyone wanted to hide from and nobody dared exposing themselves save for the Tanks.

Anyway, as for her current status I tend to agree with this nerf. The muscle memory so to speak won’t get destroyed, the real Widow mains will adapt to this change very quickly.

I know how you fell. Characters I play have had their cool downs and projectile speeds changed so much.

But don’t worry, you will adapt! If you’re good with her now, you still will be in the future.