"Poor Teamwork" needs to not be a report option anymore

Why shouldn’t you able to judge someone else at your own rank? It’s obvious that ranks in game aren’t so clearly defined and seperated that everyone within each rank 100% deserve to be there or even have a common idea of how to most effectively play at that specific rank.

Lets start cuz a lot of “Selfish” zero common sense kids strike again…

If you will Solo-Queue into competitive is cuz 90% of the matches u will play Suppor/Tank. You are there to be FLEX and cover the holes of the team

You have TWO types of “DPS-MAINS” in competitive

A) The “ignorants”. This players auto-lock in a DPS hero and One trick their favorite HERO. 99% of this dudes stay on Silver-GOLD forever.

B) The smurfs. People is already on Master/GM and they are trying a new char. The amount of mechanical skills of this players is brutal and then can hard-carry games.

Competitive is a mode aimed to play in “premades” how that works?

Lets say you have 300 hours Mccree in GOLD. Then you apply for a premade. They will put the 2 healers and 2 tanks for your “Mccree”. So you can have playabe matches got it?

That won’t do much, the pathetic morons who use this would just report people for griefing or something else, they obviously have no problem submitting false reports.

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Remove poor teamwork.

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This is the exact opposite of the truth. WE decide who gets punished since WE decide who gets reported. Blizzard doesn’t audit any reports, you just get banned/silenced once you reach a threshold in their algorithm. Yes Blizzard coded the algorithm, but it’s a very simple number of reports per time played type of equation. It doesn’t know what reports are false and what are deserved - they all count the same.

Perhaps not low priority, but if you have over 90% of your time on one hero, it waits for 5 other people with the same hero choice to put on your team. 6 Hanzo one tricks, and only one gets to play Hanzo! They would quickly learn how their behavior cannot be sustained in a team game as they either choose a different hero or take a ban for leaving.

but if someone refuses to enter chat and coordinate as a team, isn’t that poor teamwork?

I generally prefer to follow the dictionary’s definition of teamwork, “the combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient”.

In other words if someone is getting countered hard and they’ve had ample time to change their tactics or even their hero, the majority of the team then asks if they can do something like swap hero or role and then the said player refuses, I’d consider that poor teamwork. After all, it’s a team game whether you play with random players or a group of players that you’re familiar with.

However, the definition of ‘poor teamwork’ in-game is very much conflicting or at least badly titled.

If enough people do it, then they don’t belong in Competitive. If they want to do whatever they want they should stick to arcade or quick-play. Getting ban is not making them unable to play the game. They should be banned for a season… and allowed back in for next season. It’s fair for everyone. If the problem persist, then keep getting banned from comp. Simple as that.

Since The devs have stated that hero choice alone is not a bannable offense, I think it is pretty clear what they think on the matter and does not need an interpretation.

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Yes it is. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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id not be surprised if ive been reported for poor teamwork even though i was trying my best to help teammates get healed back up but i cant exactly be in multiple places at once

It’s not poor teamwork for not entering team chat especially how straight up toxic this community is in game.

Some people abuse the system yes, but it’s not just about one tricks, toxic people will abuse anything for whatever reason because they are like that. Also not everyone abuses the system, i know i don’t, if i report someone is because i truly believe that they deserve to be reported and i have gotten so many system messages from the report system that i know im using it right.

This would not fix anything, if people are reporting one tricks, they will continue to do so in whatever category they can and even if they took the whole reporting system down people would still find a way to make this an issue because it is. The solution is not taking away the reporting option at all, trying to ignore or dismiss the issue is not going to make it go away, if anything it might make it worse.

Regardless people get reported almost every single game because someone thinks they deserve to be banned for doing bad. The reason doesn’t matter. Poor teamwork, greifing. It’s all the same.

If you’re not cooperating with the team in any way and doing more than just simply playing badly you’re getting reported for poor teamwork.

Yep. People did this literally years ago.
They just reported it under ‘verbal abuse’. There were off-meta players who have never said a word (or never anything bad) that were silenced for 17+ months in total, along with full forum bans for that duration.

The system was also automated back then, so this kinda thing happened simply from mass reporting off-meta players.
What we really need is for reports to wholistically be less subjective by not placing the power to ban others in the hands of the community.

Now how many times have you actually gotten banned for poor teamwork? I’d be more than willing to bet than answer is zero. The answer is zero for most of us because someone’s play has to be so abnormally and consistently divergent that they’re racking up a crazy amounts of reports.

Bad players don’t get banned for poor teamwork, people who try and suck don’t get banned for poor teamwork. The only people who get banned are playing in a manner that can’t be conclusively proven as griefing but makes your team think you might be throwing the game.

That is why Blizzard has the final say in the matter.