📊 Poll: Should Competitive Open Queue be a permanent mode?

I mean it was a cute little mode that made me remember why we needed 2/2/2 in the first place. I do not even know if I will have the patience to finish placements because after just a few games of it I remembered how much better current OW is.

I’m not sure why it’s in the arcade section but yeah why not?

It can’t be permanent for 3 reasons unless its just an Arcade mode:

  1. It conflicts with OWL - Blizzard insists on a continuity from QP->Comp->OWL.

  2. SR becomes meaningless between two different game modes.

  3. Balancing cannot be done for two modes, and 2-2-2 is currently the one OW is based around.


If Blizzard decides to make it permanent, it will be

The fact that it was added at all and that Jeff made comments stating it is being evaluated indicated that it can be permanent

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I believe a completely ignored and unbalanced game mode will cause its own issues, especially players taking advantage of said bad balance.

It will not be competitive, it will become a game of “who’s best at picking the most broken hero/hero comp”. NOT picking that comp will be considered throwing.

Lets say Torb suddenly becomes utterly OP in Open Queue Comp, but he’s totally fine on normal comp. What do the devs do?

That’s what people said about LFG
Isn’t that feature thriving?

It could, but if its to the detriment of the game, it shouldn’t.

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It is already competitive

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I wouldn’t use it(unless it was easy extra points for golden gun) but I don’t see why it can’t be.

It’s not going to be taken seriously outside of the highest levels who will probably just run GOATS.

Please dont cherry pick meaningless sections of my posts to reply to. Address the whole thing or do nothing.

Yes, yes, yes. I don’t understand why anybody wouldn’t want this thing to stay, it could be the answer to DPS queue times in a way. If you want a quality game, you have to wait for RQ queue. But if you want to just play comp and have fun while raising your rank, comp classic is the answer


yes, doesn’t matter if it’s actually a good mode or not, it’s a good way to deflate the dps numbers from 2-2-2 competitive.



Keep it so the people that just want to autolock DPS can stay out of the real competitive mode.

Yes. Keep both versions of the game as long as they don’t balance for it. I had concerns about queue times but they aren’t bad enough right mow to justify not having the mode.

Absolutely not
No no, and no

It won’t be for the reasons I gave.

You simply cannot have a system for two different modes for one SR. That would make OW a true joke in and not taken seriously from any possible eSports perspective.

As I said, if they keep it a separate mode with it’s own SR, sure. I doubt that will happen. Now, could they wuss out and just remove 2-2-2 and depend upon hero bans to keep a stale meta from happening? Sure, I could see that. I think it would also reintroduce a lot of issues that existed under open 6-stack that people are starting to get used to not seeing.

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Yes…take the toxic dps one-tricks out of real comp and stick em over there.

I doubt ill play it much or at all. But it works as a solution to lower dps queue times and for now at least, I don’t see any negatives.

Yes and No… big problem with Competitive was that there was too much Ego in the Damage category, most of use Support mains were also flex players and since half of you threw your matches and are toxic towards us, we don’t want to be put back in a situation where Healing is an obligation because no one wants to play it and that petty people will throw.

doesnt have to…nor do you have to play it…its a choice to play the game that way…im perfectly fine playing that game mode competitively knowing full well the game is balanced for 222