(POLL) One barrier limit per team?

Soon we will have to limit the game to only 6 heroes and mirror comps and it will still be unbalanced.

The people who likes to play shield tanks are even less than the ones who plays offtank so enjoy the queue times I guess.

You can up/down the meta prevalence of 2shields via number and power of counters. Shields are just really good vs. hitscan and projectiles, but projectiles need more help. Mei/Sym are already good, and buffing passthrough heroes (like DF) or increasing dmg done to shields (for e.g. Pharah) might kill 2 birds with 1 stone (less 2shields and more projectiles in the meta) - and punishing clumped gameplay with aoe splash, where everyone turtles in a ball behind shields.

If only there were a way to DR shields (diminishing returns) that didn’t involve shield-counters/roster picks. A lot of support effects don’t stack, so it would be interesting to see shields “not stack”. Not sure how to accomplish this without opening new cans of worms at hero select like “warning- too many shield tanks, shield strength diminished”. And now each of the shields is reduced by %.

The same DR approach could have been applied to supports to stop GOATS or builders btw. We never needed 222 lockdown.

Match quality is always a gamble with/without locked roles. With open, at least you don’t gamble on queue times. If you want to trade match quantity (long queues) for quality (consistent roles), then use LFG. This is how it really should have been done in the first place.

Yeah but they don’t though.

Winston and Wrecking Ball are both Main Tanks that work very well with each other, and the other Main Tanks (Orisa and Reinhardt).

Orisa Winston is one of my favorite comps to pull off on ladder.

So basically remove Sigma / rework him ino a Maintank?

Plenty here already have.

It’d just be the next step if we limited to one main tank (or barrier) and one off tank.

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sigma is an offtank and should stay that way

shields got dumpstered and yet they’re back again after a full year? it’s not the tanks fault, its the other heroes and the lack of proper balancing

Junk is not actually a good barrier counter. He doesn’t really have that high of a DPS, so he’s nothing special in terms of breaking shields.

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I agree with that.
Also, if someone take Pharah the others shouldn’t be able to take Mercy and viceversa. (all followed by consistent buffs to Pharah).

I think we just need another tank that can cleave through shields. Or a DPS that can. A good Winston can shut down anysingle shield bearer now. (obviously being outplayed is still a thing) but a single Winston can’t take two of them.

It is broken. You can’t look at orisas stats and say it’s not. She used to be a good tank that is now in the bottom of the barrel of all the heroes. Not just tanks. And she can’t get the buffs she actually needs because of sigma just existing. So yeah there is a problem. and saying no to every solution isn’t fixing it


Well, a main tank is described as someone that can not only create and command space for the team, but to also have a capacity to mitigate damage for for the team in some way. This is why Wrecking Ball can be considered a main tank but Roadhog as not one.

Playing double off-tank and relegating someone as a “main-tank” doesn’t make one of them a main-tank.

Off-tanks or “Bruisers” are notable for being high health heroes with a potential for strong self sustain, high kill potential, and more likely to have a lack of team benefits than their counterpart. This is why Zarya and D’va can be described as off tanks but heroes like Orisa, Sigma and Reinhardt simply can’t.

Playing double barrier and dubbing someone as an “off-tank” doesn’t make them an off-tank.