(POLL) One barrier limit per team?

Why can’t we just balance the tanks instead of being lazy and limiting the possibilities.

And where did I say we need another rein? A tank just shouldn’t be able to have a shield, long range (while the shield is up), and a defensive ability. Just don’t let them have one of them and see what happens. They can have 2 of them, just not all 3. Rein only has 1. Orisa has 3. Sigma has 3. It is very possible to make a tank with 2.

Edit:Reworking sigma would also probably be smart, weakening his shield but buffing kinetic grasp.

It’s funny your first line because that’s the exact line I’d say back to you.

Why can’t we stop being lazy and actually balance?

Blizzard has been lazy. They have only been doin bandaids on this issue. A lot of these “bandaids” are actually sledgehammering nerfs to certain heroes.


Have all seen heavy handed nerfs over the course of this year because of this cancer comp.

So instead of actually fixing the problem and getting to core of it we are seeing history repeat itself similar to goats and 2-2-2.

Except are they going to actually limit double barrier like they had to with goats?

I really don’t want blizzard to keep screwing balance instead of just biting the bullet. If anyone remembers goats and the aftermath that followed after 2-2-2 it took an extremely long time for them to balance all the heroes they screwed up balance wise because of GOATS.

The only thing that would be limited from this suggestion is Rein/Sigma, Rein/Orisa, Sigma/Orisa. Which in that case good.

Also y’all high on something because it’s not like those tanks are incredibly popular or fought over much. Lol.

This game honestly wasn’t designed with running two anchor barrier tanks.

Double barrier was a byproduct from having high substain and powercreep. You add in the fact they overnerfed shields without nerfing the substain or powercreep about a year ago on October 2019 and here we still are…

Now blizzard leans into double barrier by nerfing both sigmas and orisa ‘s shields so it makes them have to rely on each other. :woman_facepalming:

I say take this leap of faith. Nothing else has worked and what has worked is basically gutting heroes which is unacceptable.

I thought double barrier mostly became a thing because hitscans were ruining everyone the moment they weren’t behind a shield, or a wall/cover of some kind? Also like the guy above you said. Orisa/Sigma have far too many tools for the type of range they have, which is a compounding issue.

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I hate double shield, but I still voted no because I’m against Blizzard forcing us even further in to how play this game. They need to add more viable options and keep balancing – not force us what to pick through rules.


Couldn’t agree more. More creative solutions. Less restrictions please.

It was never one thing that lead us here. Yes absolutely sigma and orisa have incredibly synergy not disagree.

Yes hitscans were part of it but funny enough they buffed hitscans even more shortly after they nerfed shields on oct 2019.

:joy: that prob didn’t help.

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Yeah. Everything is so messy now, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. They really do need to come up with some more options, I think. I dunno. I’m confused now. :crazy_face:

One barrier per team is something I’ve wanted ever since people started complaining about double barrier. At some point more barrier Tanks will be added to the game and double barrier will just keep being an issue.

Splitting the Tank queue/roster into barriers and non-barriers also allows for Tanks to get a bunch of their nerfs reverted. So a single barrier Tank can hold their own and non-barrier Tanks can get buffs to be on par with barrier Tanks.

It would solve two problems double barrier and double off-tank both of which seem to get plenty of hate.

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To what end though?

Blizzard abandoned the original concept of picking dynamic comps and enforced role queue, they tired to ban heroes every week to mix up the meta.

At what point do you finally realize there are fundamental issues with the game and forcing people to queue up in a certain way is a crappy way to solve it?

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This is the true question. The ultimate how to balance but allow freedom?

I get where you’re coming from, but I don’t think that the Tank or Support class has enough heros to really fill that out well…and then the idea of a sort of ‘hybrid’ main/off disappears. Like say Mercy for example; she’s borderline main healer and off healer…-the way she is used right now favors off-healer, but she can also be very solidly used with a more traditional off-healer.

The answer here is still working on balance. On the support side, you HAVE to give Mercy an identity outside of ‘pocket-bot’, and Ana needs to get nerfed down a little -which will likely show that Bap’s buffs were uneccessary. For the tanks, I don’t have a solid answer as I don’t play tank, but I know that the constant barrage of CC and doule-hitscan metas is not helping. Double barrier protects AGAINST the pocketed hitscan, but it also is strongest WITH pocketed hitscan. And hitscan are great right now because of…pocket mercy, and Ana’s ability to solo-heal a team while Mercy is pocketing. It’s tricky.

Yah but tbh that does not solve why they were so powerful. Otherwise Orisa and rein would have been meta. Sigma and Orisa were powerful because of how they can use barriers while doing other stuff. They can do a good amount of damage, use powerful cc moves, provide barriers and so on. The supports they had enhanced this especially bap who encourages teams to stay together. And so thats why i think what should be done is a rework to these tanks to focus on other aspects of their kit. And maybe rework how shields in this game work. I feel like your suggestion no offense is just a band aid fix that doesn’t solve the main problem. But even I don’t know if what I’m saying is right or helpful. But then again this is all out opinion.

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This would kill que times as off tank would become a second dps Que while main tank would be few and far between.

Support i don’t think would have this issue tho, be it that I wouldn’t recomend it.

As it would turn the matchmaking system into a bizzare game of sudoku trying to put everyone into match, especially with other systems like avoiding players and grouping in general.

I made a few posts talking about this. From what I’ve learnt, the best way something like this can be implemented is if instead of a separate role it is a subcategory of Tank and Support, and if we move heroes out of the damage role to round out the lackluster numbers of said roles.

All in all, it’s a good idea since it gives buffs to heroes that need it, allows for new players to pick up the game easier, and it can highlight as to which heroes are over/underperforming compared to the others of said subcategory.

If you wanna have a read, here it is:

god pls no (20chars)

Nobody is saying that the restriction would come into place with how the tanks are right now, if you read some of the replies, it’s made obvious that people want the restriction in order to buff barriers again, so single barriers can be played.
Right now Orisas barrier sucks o much that she HAS to be played in double barrier


nobody is talking about that though.

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But you should. You’re so lazy that you want Blizzard to make the game boring and have no sense of being competent. Role queue is more reliable then Open queue. It’s more consistent that I can count on my team having 2/2/2 then having such random comps or just running GOATS for the millionth time. Plus if you watch Overwatch games on youtube before role queue existed you will see that most games were already played in a 2/2/2 comp anyway.

Why do people think that there are sub catagories for these roles? It clearly shows that you don’t understand what Main Tank and Off Tank roles mean.

When Playing with Hog Zarya do you think there is a Main Tank? If you picked no then you don’t understand what a Main Tank is. If you pick yes then you would understand that Hog is the Main Tank. Since hog is the one making Space while Zarya enables that.

The same goes for Hog and Ball. In hog and ball there is a Main Tank and if you don’t think there is then you are dumb and miss informed.

Junk and Sym are not heavily picked in high ranks.

If the barrier counters are not being picked when they should be, are they just not strong enough to counter them?

They have some space to buff them, so, maybe that is a solution.