Would love to hear your thoughts now that the beta is out.
Keep Overwatch 2 separate from the original game or not?
Would love to hear your thoughts now that the beta is out.
Keep Overwatch 2 separate from the original game or not?
I think the feedback is about 50/50 at this point. Maybe more skewed but I think more than enough people dislike it to warrant a second look. You’re going to get new players into the game inevitably, and the players who still play but dislike the new system are probably going to be lost so…
the population is already too small. absolutely not. look at all the versions of wow, every one of them feels like a dead game.
Hmm I wonder what the forums that’s heavily biased towards 6v6 think.
A few things:
The last time I made this poll most people voted no.
I wonder how players hate the current state yet can’t stand it being changed.
And it’s defo not different players saying that.
Well, it’s not limited to just overwatch, but just a human thing.
It’s difficult to let go of something you are familiar with, it may not the perfect or maybe not even good, but it is still familiar and familiar things are less frightening than new and unknown.
Have you ever stick in same job you hate or stayed in a relationship with someone you don’t really love anymore, but don’t want to move to something different just yet?
It’s specially hard to switch when the change is forced upon you like knowing that when overwatch 2 is released the old familiar overwatch will die.
This is always an issue when having multiple versions of something but let’s face it, people aren’t going to play what they don’t like. Plenty of people quit OW1 when they didn’t like the direction of it, so what do you think is going to happen when the opposite is true? Those people who don’t like it aren’t going to play it at all.
Just look at WoW, there’s the group that plays the new versions of the old game, and the people that stick to the new game. Classic is dead because it’s the same playerbase that plays both Classic and TBC.
It’s the same concept here, there wouldn’t be an actual split because you’re going to be losing players who wouldn’t play it otherwise.
Don´t force that 5v5-crap on us
I agree. I don’t believe it’s harmful to do this split.
Force the update, but make sure there is always a normal 6v6 in arcade
It’s flipped now. 65% want it separate
They’re not going to split the playerbase and maintain 2 versions.
Instead half the player base will just quit. With every new major change (role queue, reworks, 5v5) they keep bleeding players while not attracting any new players.
I really don’t recommend dividing the playerbase like that.