Pocketed Hanzo Bodyshots are Stronger

What Hanzo is now is a tank buster. That play-style is not fun for DPS players, and certainly not for sniper players. No fun for the tanks, either.

If he was fine, Hanzo would be seeing much more play than he is. I’m a Hanzo main myself, and I won’t play him in GM. The reward you get for playing him is not worth the effort you have to put in.

He shoots to slow to secure kills, too slow to challenge another DPS that isn’t Widow or Tracer (who counters him), and gets movement penalty on primary to boot. Storm Arrows are on too long a cooldown to compensate for that. Hitscan can do most of the things he can do with just their primary fire.
You have to be pretty knowledgeable about how Hanzo works e.g. target prioritization, positioning, strengths/weaknesses to really understand why he’s not in a great spot.
I wrote a pretty detailed post about it after S9: