Pocketed Hanzo Bodyshots are Stronger

hanzo being forced to get a mercy pocket is not a bad thing, it is old news for hitscan and the s9 patch is attempt to recalibrate hanzo to be closer to his hitscan counterparts

sure with mercy he can still 1 shot, blah blah blah what i want to talk about is hanzo pocketed body shots because that’s where the real damage numbers creep in

it’s basically like pocketing a junkrat if they could aim, they basically do the same base damage anyway

I feel like pocketed storm arrow headshots on tanks were a big reason tanks got that headshot modifier buff.

Purely anecdotal, just my opinion obvi.

Hitscan doesn’t need Mercy though?

A failed attempt, as Hanzo is very clearly much weaker than every hitscan DPS.

Junk can actually 2-tap with grenades now.

I understand that this doesn’t look like a call to nerf Hanzo more. Just thought you had an interesting observation.

The current Hanzo since S9 was the wrong direction to take him. They should have buffed his primary damage, and nerfed the Storm Spam Arrows. Then he’d be weaker against tank and actually able to do things against other DPS without a Mercy pocket. Heck, they could have added damage fall-off to reduce those rare random kills. Right now he’s the only DPS who needs a Mercy to function, which is kind of ridiculous as a sniper.


i was referring to hitscan 1 shots ala ashe and sojourn

i feel as though people are too hung up on his old 1 shot to see what hanzo is now

i feel that hanzo is perfectly fine now

What Hanzo is now is a tank buster. That play-style is not fun for DPS players, and certainly not for sniper players. No fun for the tanks, either.

If he was fine, Hanzo would be seeing much more play than he is. I’m a Hanzo main myself, and I won’t play him in GM. The reward you get for playing him is not worth the effort you have to put in.

He shoots to slow to secure kills, too slow to challenge another DPS that isn’t Widow or Tracer (who counters him), and gets movement penalty on primary to boot. Storm Arrows are on too long a cooldown to compensate for that. Hitscan can do most of the things he can do with just their primary fire.
You have to be pretty knowledgeable about how Hanzo works e.g. target prioritization, positioning, strengths/weaknesses to really understand why he’s not in a great spot.
I wrote a pretty detailed post about it after S9:


He always was, Storm arrows to the head always busted tanks. Idk where the now is coming from, this has always been the case.

The “now” is referring to where his power is currently seen to be. Before, he primarily was targeting squishies, while tank-busting was secondary (which I personally hated). They indirectly took the power out of primary fire with HP changes, and put extra into his Storm Arrows, which originally would be used to either finish targets or burst tanks. If anything, he was too flexible before. It was better to nerf Storm Arrow count in favor of buffing primary, because primary is where his identity is, and the more enjoyable part of his kit.


thats why im trying to tell you a new way to play, mercy pocketed bodyshots

No DPS hero should need a Mercy pocket to be viable.



This is such a ridiculous question. After her rework, even Pharah doesn’t need one. There is no DPS other than Hanzo who needs one.


I’m pretty sure the pocketed headshots are stronger, but body shots work too

theres nothing wrong with having a mercy pocket to be viable, think about it from mercy perspective, is she not supposed to use damage boost?

You are completely missing the point.
Of course damage boost is supposed to make things stronger. It should not necessitate damage boost for a DPS to function.

Think of it like soup, with DB being spices as a flavor enhancer. Currently, DB to Hanzo is like water to a pile meat and/or vegetables. It’s only a soup once the water is added.


i feel like this point is subjective, some will see it as a negative and some will see it as a positive. i dont remember sojourn, ashe or soldier players complaining that they needed the mercy.

i mean i thought like this when the changes were made as well, but im trying to see a positive

Because they didn’t need the Mercy.

i prefer to see something positive, so i accept the mercy necessity

Is a storm arrow spammer.

What he used to be is this

You want me to be happy that he is a garbage storm spammer now and enjoy it over that ?

NO Thanks :pray:

Also even that dumb storm i used to save for creative mathematical purposes

Now i should be happy to spam it at tanks with a merzee pocket :joy:

Totally engaging gameplay be the spamzo every skillless clown :clown_face: told you were and harassed for 7 years.

Backstabbing traitors on blizzard have killed the shimmada dragon in a cowardly manner, the playerbase who was the most bullied harassed for liking a unique hero and sticking with him has been spat on by traitors.


i didnt say anything about spamming tanks, i dont advocate boring or hot knife through butter gameplay

ahh, man i feel bad. i remember watching my wwhole team dunk on the hanzo players back in the day

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Dependency is a negative, no matter how you look at it.

IF Mercy is being played, Hanzo can be viable (and earn hatred from the rest of his team). Without it? He’s a detriment to his team.