Plz give widow a small buff

Keep her hp 175

However either slightly buff grapple ie reduce cooldown by 1 second

Or majorly buff venom mine (ie reduce cooldown to 10 seconds or give her 2 charges or even increase the dmg) to give low rank players a crutch and not make her such a throw character in ranks below diamond

If venom mine buffs make her meta again a simple but effective tweak would be to reduce the wall hack duration or make it only intermittently give u wall hacks during tick dmg so there’s more counter play to it. To it you could also increase audio or visual cues as low ranks wouldn’t notice anyway. which low ranks don’t really take advantage of anyway

Atleast if they don’t wanna change her in any other way remove her falloff dmg


No she’s fine. People already want her nerfed. Don’t give them reason for it. She’s powerful if you’re good and average or sub average if you’re not. Don’t make her easier by reducing vulnerability; keep her in her current state. She doesn’t need a crutch


I hope for her just to be like before with 200 hp, every time that i go stealth with Reaper in her back with that pathetic 175 hp i feel sad for her every time that i kill Widow :pleading_face:🥲 :spider:


That’s why I offered trade offs which would arguably make her worse in high tiers which people would want but better low tiers

Again I understand the complaints ie why I said keep 175 hp and they can tweak the wall hacks on venom mine

Widow is meant to be focused solely around her extremely powerful, but difficult to use gun. Giving her a better kit and lowering her skill floor/ceiling isn’t a good idea imo. Lower ranks shouldn’t get a crutch for a mechanically-based hero in the form of abilities that don’t need any form of mechanics and are just throw and forget. She’s literally meant for good players. The worse players get better and she no longer needs a crutch.


Look at cree he has crutches works out fine

No he’s busted and easy lol. He is most definitely not fine. If you have a basic sense of aim, you can get more value at close range than close range heroes while also having very strong mid range and decent poke at long range.

They gave him too many crutches with the reload speed, flash duration, roll, and Hp buffs that were unneeded


I would give Widow their 200hp back and remove the falloff.
Then she would be perfect in my eyes.

It’s just laughable how quickly Widow can be killed.
2shot for Ashe, Zeni, Mccree, Mei, Pharah, Reaper etc.
1shot for Hanzo, Ashe + Mercy
With S76 (Helix + 1crit + 1body), Echo (All bombs) or Genij, Widow is quickly history.
And then there’s Hammond.

Especially when you consider how easy it is to hit Widow despite the distance due to her large hitbox and because she is almost stationary in the scope.

The falloff is only implemented because of the bad map design of Ilios: Ruins and has absolutely no effect except for a few spots on other maps that can be counted on one hand, except to damage Widow’s uniqueness.
(I don’t know if the assassination attempt on Katya Volskaya would have been feasible at all from this position with the falloff)


I think she’s perfect as is. Good widows are fine. The falloff change could be reverted but that’s too situational to matter the majority of cases. She’s a glass cannon now, which is perfect.

Widow is one of those heroes who really shouldn’t be buffed.

If you buff her in any way, she breaks the game.


Ashe cree zen and Ana and mei still take 3 shots to kill her

At this moment, I don’t mind increasing her charge time by 50% but also reducing grapple cd by 50%.

A hero should be extraordinary in the right hands and meh in the rest that is good balance. She is like that now. Don’t change her.

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That’d be a nerf though !!! A massive one haha

Double headshotting a widow as zen is not as hard as you expect honestly, regardless of the range.


Well it still fits the “good in right hands but meh on everyone else”, it massively increased her survival rate at the expense of being able to make big impact on fights.

It’s even more noticable if the widow is meh cuz you don’t even need to spend resources against her at all fearing her spam by a meh widow.

If you think this is a bit too much, we can revert her to 200 hp on top of it as well.

Now think about how quickly a Widow can kill anyone below 300HP


That is exactly what she should not have. She has the strongest gun in the game. Nerf the charge time as much as you want, but if she can oneshot you across the map as a hitscan, thats still powerful.
You dont want a hero like Widow to have survivability. Sometimes you just need to hit your shot or you die and thats completely ok if you consider how strong she can be

1 shot across the map then wait 1.6-2.1s to do so, and if she fails she will have also to wait 1.6-2.1s to do so? GM widow crit kill rate being always under 30% means she will at average get 1-2 kills per extended teamfight in the best hands, if dive then the number will be under 1 on average which makes her not a good candidate for dive genji substitute anymore.

TTK and fire rate is everything in OW especially when movement accleration is not a thing which makes even hitscan hitrate in ow looks like a joke compared to other fps games. Which makes more shots being fired, which makes players able to average out the massive variance in performance in OW much more important.

If she fires a shot every 3 sec she will be one of the worst character in this game ever.

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Not so sure about that. The really good Widows always had about 30%, some had more

Its not about how often she shoots. Its about what one single shot can do