Pls don't get rid of the giant spray bug in numbani, make it a feature

We need more of these bugs, all sprays are like x3 size within spawn


Make it posibble on all surfaces and appliable from a bigger distance.So one can graffiti entire buildings


This should be on all doors in the game.

This bug is better than the symm bug that used to be on kings row

I appreciate this bug.
I remember first discovering it. Was a massively fun time.
It would be nice if it was left alone at least.



I just made a post about this too!

PLEASE keep this!

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Agreed. First time I saw it happen in a comp match, it was hilarious when everyone was freaking out in voice chat.

Please don’t get rid of it blizz :heart:

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don’t worry they will get rid of that bug when game/character ruining bug that actually needs to be fixed comes around.

Remember Tracer Emote Blinking?

my favourite nonsensical bug ever. like how does this even happen? what did they change to even cause it? it’s amazing

IIRC This also works on the upper spawn doors in Rialto

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Yeah, I love it too. It’s a lot of fun to see them so big.

Suddenly the game “mine is on top” changes to “the doors are mine!”.

I would even extend this one so sprays on things like billboards and similar would also be so big.

Thanks for spreading awareness of it. Now they’re more knowledgeable of it and will definitely get rid of it because it’s fun.

^I’m fairly certain they knew about this before I posted this, there has been a lot of talk around this.

this… I like this… its good.

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I could not agree more with this, nice spray btw :stuck_out_tongue:

All of the sprays should just be this big.

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@UP Nah, let’s not turn OW into Splatoon.

Or should we!?

Yes, please! This was a fun bug - first time I tried it with Moira, it was hilarious to see.

it adds so much emphasis to spraying