Please stop with LFG being the solution

LFG isn’t a bad addition. I think it’s objectively a great addition. It just has lots of problems with itself. Let me explain.

Imagine you want to play in an organized team and you are a Diamond player. You go to LFG and you see 6 posts. 2 are for Gold and Silver players. 1 is a “Derank to Bronze” post. 1 is for QP and 1 is for Arcade. You get lucky and see 1 post for a Diamond match. However, the only spot left is Tank. You don’t play Tank. Well… not a very good tank. Not Diamond level that’s for sure. So you don’t have a LFG group to join.

Lets take the same scenario and say instead you are a Tank main. It’s what you do. You join and everything is a go. You get into a match against another 6 stack. The enemy are a bunch of friends that have played together for a long time. You guys are still a bunch of randoms. You lose the match pretty bad. The leader instantly disbands the group because of that loss. Now you are back looking for another group hoping to find a team.

Lets say there is no LFG posts that apply to you. So you decide to make your own. The lobby SLOWLY fills up. I mean it’s taking 15 minutes. You finally get a group then someone randomly leaves. Now you are waiting again then someone else says this is taking to long then they leave. Now people are starting to fall out. In 1 hour you have played 1 total game trying to get into a proper match.

Now I know what you’re thinking. This example is oddly specific and this has to be a rare occurrence. Surprisingly it isn’t rare. It’s pretty common. If anything, it can be much worse than this. Create an LFG that gets partially filled but never filled up even after 30 minutes. Get into a LFG and get booted for not playing the heroes they want you to play or not having high enough stats for them. You can’t just hide your profile because you will get booted for that as well.

That’s just scratching the surface. There are so many other problems.

When LFG works it works GREAT. The only thing is that it feels even more random in terms of how well it works than you just solo queuing.


Solution to what? Everything? Your post never addresses it’s subject at all.


I assume they are referencing all the people who say to just use lfg in all the posts asking for 2/2/2. As if it is a reasonable solution to the problem people have with terrible team comps.


I mean the alternative is having friends who still play, so…


He pretty much nailed it.

People argue against 2-2-2 by telling people to use LFG. It’s almost like those people hardly ever used LFG and pretend it works flawlessly


If we force LFG and stacks only there’s gonna be a lot more viable groups to pick from. Getting rolled by a coordinated 6 stack is fine, because that’s how the game should be played- we should incentivize trying to find a consistent set of friends, and LFG is supposed to be conducive to that.

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LFG could use some more work, thats for sure. It is pretty good band-aid for matchmaker problems but in it’s core is not enought.

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Forcing LFG doesn’t fix the problems if the system all the problems if the system though. Just a few of them

right but is forcing people to play 2-2-2 really a better solution? A guild system would good, easier to find friends and like minded people.


LFG would work if everyone just decided to start using it. People will only use it if it works well and it only works well if people join it.

Something needs to kickstart the whole thing.

I think so. It’s the most consistent experience. Will it always be great? Hell no lol. No way. Will you overall have a better experience compared to the current system or using LFG? I’m highly convinced you will.

Having 2 tanks, 2 healers and 2 DPS EVERY GAME will be consistently better than playing the roulette game of hoping random people aren’t selfish today. That’s my opinion though

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Seems a bit far fetched if I’m honest.

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make your own group

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I addressed than in the OP.

Out of plasticine…

He talks about making your own the OP… takes forever apparently. Wouldn’t know myself because I stopped using LFG the day it was released.

OP talks about how there is no LFG to suit his needs. Completely ignores the fact he can create his own LFG entry.

If you don’t want to wait for a proper team, using LFG, you will likely also be among the many who will complain when the queue time with enforced 2-2-2 will go up to 24 minutes.


Thank you for confirming you don’t like reading a full post but post responses like you know what you’re talking about

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The active OW Population will plummet to less than half of what it currently is. Full stop.

No game has ever succeeded in getting players who view gaming as a primarily solo experience to want to group up.

Even games like WoW that require grouping at almost all endgame levels have “barely conscious” difficulties up to raid content so that players can experience the content without doing anything that resembles teamwork.

Thanks for ignoring the second part of my post.

Pot, meet kettle.


I use LFG every day and it takes less than a minute to set up. Finding people you want to play with who play heroes you synergies well with might take a bit longer.