Please stop with LFG being the solution

There is still that problem:

You get into a match against another 6 stack. The enemy are a bunch of friends that have played together for a long time. You guys are still a bunch of randoms. You lose the match pretty bad. The leader instantly disbands the group because of that loss. Now you are back looking for another group hoping to find a team.

Another drawback of LFG. I never know what kind of people I am grouping up with. I would rather randomly join a team and then leave after the match is over than stay in group with the same people that I don’t know.

I view LFG as a poorly implemented solution to the already sub-par matchmaking system we have currently.

I didn’t ignore it. It’s almost like you didn’t read the context. Let me quote myself again.

Look at what I said. I’m willing to wait. That’s clear. Everyone else isn’t willing to wait when people join then leave. It becomes frustrating because you think you have a game but then you don’t. Plus, waiting 24 minutes for a queue time of a guaranteed game sounds much better to me than waiting potentially longer a group of people to actually play with without leaving before the match starts

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I mean you can use LFG to get your 2-2-2 match.
Are there problems with it? yes there are, but that doesn’t mean you force others to play the game how you want when you have the tools at your disposal to make these games happen already.


You are the first person to say that so far. However, even that isn’t consistent because it depends on the time of day, rank you play at, etc. Also, not to mention that you can get booted out of LFG groups for what you play or you’re stats. It’s the same for hosting you’re own LFG. If people don’t like who they see they will leave.

Another thing, people will boot you out of LFG if a friend gets own. Same with leaving a group. Do I blame people for this? No. Is that still a flaw and a hurdle of the system? Yes


Tank main, that flexes to support and never plays DPS. I think I’ll be OK.

Well firstly – your post doesn’t really specify an issue, haha

“LFG is not a better solution than 2/2/2”?
or is it
“LFG could be better than 2/2/2 but it needs more work”?

Your examples just make me think that the latter is true because those are all fixable issues.

If LFG was reworked and turned into the main form of playing this game, player numbers wouldn’t be so low. Right now it is a practically hidden feature (compared to the two giant quickplay/comp buttons) that sets you up in awkward player created rooms so traffic is pretty low.

That could be fixed.

This is a team issue. Everyone always disbands, even after successful matches in solo-q. Players are worried about facing people with more team synergy than they have so they try and fluff their chances by throwing themselves in ‘chaotic team comps’ haha

If LFG had the match maker inside – allowing players to add the filters they want (give me 2 tanks, lock me into support) then you wouldn’t need to sit in lobbies and worry about disbands. You’d just queue like you do now, albeit with a slightly higher wait time due to your restrictions.

Same as last point - if we had a matchmaker within LFG then this wouldn’t be as big of an issue. Leave the option to hop into groups for players that want that and create the option to matchmake with filters for the ones that want specific comps.

I feel like LFG could be better and I’d rather see the devs improve it and gravitate away from leaving it a strictly DIY group maker and add in more user-friendly features and faster match making tools.

Right now it feels like something that exists on the side, kind of like how Workshop is buried behind a few pages, and I’d rather they put it on the main page with an easy to understand UI.

  • Hit “Play” - hit Quick match to quickly get thrown into a no restrictions match.
  • Toggle on/off the type of matches you want – Select competitive, select All = queue for regular comp + arcade comps. Deselect Competitive + select all = Queue for any game mode that is not competitive
  • Toggle competitive on + Lock role as DPS + Composition Lock 2/2/2 = Queue for a competitive match with other players that flagged themselves as a certain role.

If they greatly improve LFG it’s possible it is a solution. By greatly I mean GREATLY. Maybe that’s what Blizzard is doing now. Who knows. The current LFG is plagued with problems though and it isn’t a solution for people that want 2-2-2.

There’s no incentive to use it is the issue. If grouping wasn’t punished then it would be a good solution. If groups were treated like 6 solo queues and were able to be placed against 6 solo queues then LFG would be great because people would be willing to use it. The people who say “just use LFG” don’t seem to understand how the games MMR works to the level that other players know.

Just look for a permanent team to play with, every problem solved. There are a lot of people out there seeking permanent teammates to practicing and playing together. Just put a little effort to make a team and no more problems, the game is played the way it meant to be played.

Here is the problem with that. When do you play? Only when your team is on? Everyone doesn’t have the same schedule. People have work, school, lives. Expecting to only play when your team on is unrealistic.

That’s what I am hoping for - it just seems to make more sense for them to go back and really treat LFG with respect vs tearing the original plans down!

True. Though, I also enjoy the stress-free vibe of not having to get to know the people I play with and just solo-Q. Still – I think it is obvious that playing on a team you’ve practiced with is the real way to play this game.

Game time alone won’t teach you how to work with certain players. You never know if the Symmetra on your team is creating a teleporter for you to go through or her sentries. Even when you communicate with people and try to convey your plan, it either goes unheard/ignored/or ends up delayed. Players serious about climbing should be trying to form teams (though I get why some don’t want to). :slight_smile:

On that note –

I hope after future LFG changes, we get a “Guild vs Guild” mode! Something that allows players to form their own tournaments. Setting teams up like in OWL and playing, trying to get your Team Rank higher. I feel like that would be the next level for this competitive game. Especially if the devs give us spectating features to watch these match ups!

That’s a big issue and I think that is why the Friend’s list is so weak. I was hoping the devs would make player Guilds. It would be like big “Discord lists” of like minded players (FFXIV Free Companies?). Ideally, you could flag yourself as wanting to group up within your group and have people hop in. The pool would be large enough for you to consistently find people and yet, you playing with these faces over and over gives you more control when it comes to synergizing with them. Maybe you have your “A-Team” that isn’t online but Rogelio and Sarah are good people and you’ve played with them before so you are willing to invite them instead vs playing Matchmaker-roulette, haha.

If there is a guild chat feature then it could also replace the…odd…general chat and allow players to throw out their strats/preferred way of play ahead of time.

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If 2-2-2 has wide enough support to justify moving it to be forced to everyone it should have wide enough support to kickstart it in LFG.

2-2-2 has some popular supporters. Have them pick a day of the week and a time range for doing 2-2-2 in LFG and publicize it and participate. This will dump lots of people that like 2-2-2 into being on at the exact same time in LFG which should cause LFG to be sufficiently populated that the extra wait time will be reduced.

Once the one time period on the one day is getting enough usage you could expand to other time periods/other days.

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This sounds like the old WoW LFG before they implemented the auto system.

2-2-2 isn’t going to suddenly make anyone go to the point or stay on the payload.

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YES!!! yes, YeS. that is whats the problem with ranked games. people not playing objective. i never knew this was the problem untill u pointed this out. thank u so much bro/sis.

You’re welcome. I’m sending you my bill as we speak.

All of these complaints make no sense, because all of these complaints are specifically related to the fact that LFG is completely optional and not mandatory.

If you make LFG mandatory with no option for solo Q – no one queue dodges/disbands groups, lobby queues aren’t slow because everyone is using them, the availability of queues looking for a specific role skyrockets, and the time to queue becomes short.

Getting booted doesn’t matter because the entire playerbase is using LFG, meaning you’ll have some odd hundred groups to go through, and the community will naturally have some percentile of players who will say “hidden profile players welcome” instead of vetting each individual player.

Those problems are in game problems. Not character select screen problems. That is just a game sense thing. Nothing we or the Devs can do about it.

I had many of the same experiences for a long time. The best LFG experiences I had were ones in which we WEREN’T trying to assemble a 6 stack, but more like 4 or 5. Myself and one or two friends would make sure we had at least 1 of tank/heal/flex and would generally make our open spot for a tank (since that seemed to be hardest to find.

We’d queue up as a 4 or 5 and would rarely encounter deranking or smurf teams. In all likelihood we’d pick up a rando DPS but that’s generally what the other team would have too.

I’ve had horrible LFG experiences, but this approach was actually the best and it came from queueing up anyway after someone would leave and realizing we eliminated ourselves from a certain matchmaking type that we really deep down wanted to avoid anyway.