Role Lock is killing this game

They have aggregators in and out of the game itself, survey systems, trackers for the amounts of players that play every different game mode at each given time, etc.

This whole subject is non - debatable really… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Still haven’t explained what this means by the way :upside_down_face:

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I’m no rocket scientist, but I think it means that QPC is different from what QP was before the implementation of Forced 2-2-2.


That was never an option. It’s not a role lock unless the other team is also locked into their roles. Mandatory is the only way it works.

Also play QPC if you like chaos so much.


Aaaaand in what way exactly?

Here are some reasons as to why they differ.

Not to mention there is no ranked version of it.


In EU there were only French/Russian-only groups most of the times, so I had to resign myself to soloq with 5 dps. Roleq prevented me to uninstall the game.


Of course there isn’t, because they know a lot of players would use it and their theory about “a majority of players actually LOVE 2/2/2” would be stomped and killed.


“Its just at arcade bro” or what used to be said a lot, “it’s just quick play bro”
Blaming it for being in arcade is not a valid excuse. However i do think it should be on the front page so more people find it easily.

You have a valid complaint about the achievement part, but last i heard they were looking into making that possible.

This seems too minor of a nitpick to even be considered as a negative, but ok.

Again, you’re playing Quick Play, did you ever thought you would get an even remotely serious experience?

Agreed with this 100%, as it should be addressed as fast as possible from the devs.

Ehh, it’s Quick Play Classic.

Saying that there isn’t a Competitive version of it isn’t at all a negative of the above game mode and let’s not even mention that fundamentally and I the current state of the game a “Competitive Classic” wouldn’t work at all and would most probably cause more hard than good to the game overall…

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Lmao if you think that’s what the problem with the implementation of such a game mode would be, then sorry but I don’t think there’s anything else to say here… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Also, this is not a theory, but the content of an official developer comment.

If you don’t want to accept it and prefer your anecdotal opinions and ““metrics””, then that’s fine, just please don’t spread misinformation.

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That was 2 months ago.

The topic in question isn’t what is negative or not, it’s what makes QPC different from Pre-Forced 2-2-2 QP.


You mean what’s the difference between current QPC and old pre - 2/2/2 role - lock Quick Play, right? :thinking::thinking:

Yes, typing on mobile is rough sometimes.



DPS ques are pretty long right now, but a lot of that has to do with how tanks are so frustrating/dull to play on live that there’s a drought of tank players.

Not enough tank players = longer que times for everyone else.

Hopefully the upcoming tank overhaul patch can remedy that.

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I don’t believe role queue is the thing that’s killing this game. There’s much more than that which is killing this game. From shoddy reworks to poor balancing, to lack of engagement with and acknowledgement of even some community feedback. Sure, ‘damage’ role queue times are high, but if you think about it that’s very likely because tank and support are mostly frustrating these days. Nerf this hero because they are unfun to play against, rework that hero, blah blah.


You’d just further split the playerbase. That’d kill the game even faster. As a primarily tank/support player on my main account I’ve needed RQ for years, and it was the greatest update in the world for me. No more searching through my profile, demanding I play healers then flaming and sometimes even reporting me for “not doing my job well” by the 5 pinhead DPS mains on my teams. People who refuse to adapt to role lock are the real problem.

Why do you even comment on my posts? We don’t agree on anything and it just goes around in circles. It’s a huge waste of time.

If you actually read the post you were responding to, it was obvious who “they” were. They meaning Blizzard. So it’s an acknowledgement of their “official developer comment” but I believe otherwise.

The step that shouldve been taken:

Address and actually fix/improve the concerns that people had with LFG…

Instead we got this forced system thats well…forced…


i asked for role lock over 1.5 years a go its very good play QP classic before 5 dps and me as a healer or 2v2v2= comp practise