Please stop saying " *any hero name* gap/diff"

in NA we say diff too. who says gap

Diverting resources from another player because your widow was less skilled. Yes that is still a Widow difference. Not that I ever say such stuff but I always think it. My negativity is only for myself <3


We say difference in NA too.

Is that something new?
Never heard of it.
And i play since release. :sweat_smile:

I’ve never heard it said that way, but I do see the occasional “You have a better Rein” or “Our Ana was better” etc. etc.

At the end of matches people like to say “DPS diff” or “Rein gap” to imply that the reason they lost or won was because of the difference in skill of their DPS, Rein, etc.

Really it’s just the latest iteration of the blame game.


In creating a thread asking people to stop being terrible human beings on the internet (impossible ask in the first place) you have taught more people a new way to be terrible human beings on the internet.

Good job.

Main Tank Difference.

I only use it to compliment and only the main tank, not off tank, not dps or supports.

I don’t say tank gap though. I say MTD so off tanks don’t mistakenly think I’m complimenting them.

totally agree. its rude and disrespectful

Eww pc players say this kind of stuff? For a master race you all are super cringe with insults.

Forum user Diff

That’s the point. What don’t you understand?

Yea it never bothered me but i have to admit that its pretty toxic. Those kind of people probably take nonstop L’s in real life so they say that stuff in game to keep their insecurities in check.

Did you just necro’d a thread when we have around 6 about the same topic? Dude please use the search.