Please remove Havana and Paris

I dont play comp, so you can stop that assumption. The maps are bad, your taste is bad, and you should feel bad about it.


I think they need to rework both Havana and Paris the same way they tweaked Horizon Lunar Colony.

I think it’s great that some people like it and are grateful for any content as opposed to wanting content that is actually good. It doesn’t make me dislike them any less. The newest maps have been hot piles of garbage in my opinion. Which is a shame, Paris could have been more than just a pretty map.

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I feel paris needs more than one choke and havanna needs to make the big oil barrels on second point non highground because the things you can get away with as a sniper on that point is insane.

Please keep both of these maps, and add more. Like Nashboro and Cape Town.

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Also, if you can get the right to it, Plastic Beach would be really cool. Especially if it were part of Robo-Noodle’s introduction to the roster.

Answering to someone’s opinion with “grow up”, doesn’t make you more mature than him in any possible way.

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Please don’t. I like them. More importantly, imo, anything but KotH.
Good day.

Well, that only leaves KotH and Hybrid maps. Is that all we should have?

Also, Paris is one of my favorite maps and Havana is solid from a gameplay perspective, if a bit uninteresting.

i like havana but i dont like paris… im in confusion :v

All the other 2CP maps only have one choke so giving it two makes no sense at all

I haven’t had a game where i couldnt take the first point on Paris

I never leave any games, no matter what map. But Paris and Havana are (personally) the worst two maps in this game.

I even have a joke with my friends where I sing that Spongebob song where he is retracing his steps as, “the worst map in the game, servin’ it up Paris’s way!” (The most important meal of the day, servin’ it up Gary’s way).

I think Horizon is even way better than these two maps combined. I just absolutely despise them. And Havana 3rd point is literally brokkeeeennn with bunker. I got 4.5k damage amped in a QUICKPLAY game of Havana on Mercy just by holding right-click on Hanzo and Ashe 3rd point (and the occasional Hog or Orisa)… the most damage boosted I’ve ever had in OW… in a QP match of Havana…

I wouldn’t say I don’t think the devs are considering a second way on the left side. Maybe the building there has an additional doorway inside. Maybe its currently too much work and they don’t know if its possible without lots of changes.

They told us multiple times, they don’t tell us anything, they worry about it not working in the end and having to disappoint the community.
They don’t want to create hype unless they think they can deliver. :sweat_smile: (and its basically already finished)

Translation: I play one hero and other heroes are better then mine, always, on these maps, so the maps must be bad.

I don’t really like Paris much personally but not because of the map itself. I just think they could do a little bit more if they added another flanking route to the first point and removed a flanking route or made it a bit harder to navigate one of the flanking routes on the second point. I like the overall design and aesthetic of Paris though.

And Havana I actually enjoy. I think the map I enjoy the least in game is Lunar Colony unless I’m playing Tracer or Sombra and I can execute some shenanigans in the zero-gravity environment outside.

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Well they stated their opinions as absolute, and then demanded change based on them without giving them any reason. Something I find quite childish.