Please remove 2-2-2

For the 100th time, there is still no valid data to support a claim of a majority/minority.

The dev quotes you cite don’t actually show any data

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I would love if you could provide any actual polls that showed said results concerning the amount of Tank/Healer/DPS players that voted, because really right now everything you’re saying is just words in the air…

Do you have any data which supports this claim? From my years of experience with the Forums, the amount of Healer/Tank/DPS players have been relatively balanced and in no way imbalanced enough to change the clear outcome of all these polls…

While it’s true that they don’t provide any data, as it’s true with every single other “source” of information out there concerning the state of 2/2/2 role - lock, they arrive to a conclusion concerning the opinions of the majority/minority of the player base though based on the information they have (that is, all of it), which as it stands, remains by far the most trustworthy source of evidence concerning this subject…

I was talking about the players that have left Overwatch, exclusively, or at least mainly due to 2/2/2 role - lock and vice versa, not about the total Exodus of players from the game.

Everyone knows about the great decline of Overwatch by now for years, so please don’t skew my words…

Agreed (in the context it was written in your response).

Okay, fair enough, I thought that you were able to provide any graphs/data for Overwatch’s performance… That’s why I asked.

Wow, DPS are so rare!

If the forum population actually matched the ingame role population, we’d be overrun with DPSes.


There is still no valid source of data that claims a minority/majority

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All of this is mostly true, but currently no matter what Blizzard remains the most trustworthy source of data concerning the game they themselves created and they will remain so until an even more trustworthy source pops up confirming, or even disproving (arbeit that’s extremely unlikely) the verdict officially created by the devs concerning 2/2/2 role - lock.

That’s a logical thought which could potentially affect the conclusions made by a series of polls, but which would be true though only as long as a significant amount of polls showed a different result to others, which in 2/2/2 role - lock’s situation isn’t even remotely true…

Besides the somewhat ridiculous nature of these remarks in a context like this, I’m just going to say that a lot of unofficial polls published in places like these Forums have been completely neutral, but still showed the same result as all the others…

  1. The above survey (which is extremely interesting by the way and thanks for sending it) provided the option to users to select more than one role at once and therefore the Tank and Support players would be naturally over - represented…
  2. If we take that into consideration, I’m 100% sure the results would be more than normalized and clear (as if a 77% in favor, 12% against role - lock metric isn’t already clear enough concerning the final outcome…)

The causal parts of Overwatch should be completely accessible and bolstered while the competitive aspects should be gated by tests or personal feats. Those that try to exploit the system would have to commit serious time into doing so. In which the “gate” would be doing what its supposed to do.

Many competitive problems are stemmed from how easy it is to gain access without being prepared. Blizzard needs to put in more “gates” to prevent some of these problems. Further, the ranks should be truncated to accommodate the smaller number but more consistently “skilled” players coming into Competitive. This may mean getting rid of some ranks and reducing the maximum SR value.

There’s literally no point in debating with that individual. They are incapable of any thought other than “but the devs said!”

Even when faced with a logical and accurate point such as yours.

Yeah, a lot of us who were anti-2-2-2 knew this would happen. It was a dumb system to put in place without proper steps. Blizzard is the epitome of good in theory, bad in practice. Because in almost every game of theirs I’ve played, they think up a concept and implement it without doing what is necessary to prevent it from being awful.

They should have never released 2-2-2 without also adding multiple Tanks and Supports (2-3 of EACH) in the same patch, and rebalancing a few characters to put them in line for the new system.

Because they didn’t do this, the system was doomed to fail from the beginning. Heck, it shouldn’t have been implemented anyway. Forcing a specific team composition is essentially them admitting they’ve failed at balancing the game / making people want to play 2/3 of the roles.

We told you 29874398723478932 times but no " HUR DUR HAVING A MASTER DPS PLAYING HEALEAR IN BRONZE IS SURE A GOOD IDEA !"

Deal with it.