With the exception of the Crazy Sigma/Orisa Meta that allowed Sym to be good because she is the only DPS with infinite Ammo, her pickrate has ALWAYS been worse than 2.0’s. 2.0 had consistent 1.6-2% while Sym 3.0 hasnt even gotten to 1%.
Your statement is simply false, judging by the fact that Overbuff is the only source of pickrates available to Players.
No, they didnt. As I explained above, Teleporter and current Primary are abseloutly designed to be the most-niche abilities in Overwatch’s history.
Teleporter only works on 2 maps. Hanamura and Horizon.
Primary only worked against ONE tank DUO and that niche was removed with the Barrier Nerfs.
That is the excact meaning of Niche. The more “niche” something is, the less situations it has to shine but this isnt much of a problem if it can do decent in other situations and vice versa.
However, current Primary and Teleporter dont have many situations and are widely ignored if not in this niche (Secondary only/TP at spawn)
2.0 Photon Barrier was good on every map and against most enemy comps.
Shield Generator was good on many maps and on bad maps it still worked. Same for Team Comps. This is an example of a well-done niche ability.
Well, Sym 2.0 never got any balance adjustments. Not even lower CD on Turrets or Barrier. How knows what Blizz tried themselves, but nothing was ever available for the community. I think a slight rework bringing 3.0’s Turrets and a more Moira-like Beam would’ve been enough.
And just like I stated above, Sym 3.0 was never viable. She was only played because there had to be a DPS and she was the only one who could keep shoting the barriers without reload. A very specific circumstance for a very niche and underpowered hero. Fun Fact: Sym 2.0 would’ve been stronger than 3.0 in this Meta thanks to the 3rd Barrier in the team and Shield Generator for even more survivability (charged in 3 seconds thanks to her piercing Orbs). With and without her nerfs, she would be awful in the current Meta or any other Meta besides Double Barrier Spam from original Sigma.
“Few Months” was after Torb’s Rework. Sym’s rework was very new and the game also has shifted since then. (Role Queue, Barrier Nerfs, ectr.). Both Symmetra and Bastion will not be released into Ow2 in their current form if the game is supposed to be a success.
It’s okay if you prefer Sym 3.0, I get you and I’d love to see 2.0 and 3.0 as 2 seperate heroes or the Ultimate Sym 2.5 with the best of both Kits, like Lock-On beam with the Barrier Perks, Choice Ult between current and Shield Generator, ectr.
Just please dont say something like “She was viable before her nerfs” or “She always had a higher pickrate than 2.0” because it is just false.
I hope the Devs come up with a solution to make both 2.0 and 3.0 community happy!