I talked to these fantastic Symmetra players about how/why Symmetra is currently too weak and I agree that she is underperforming as a DPS. The main problem I see is that she takes too long in order to become a sufficient pick against other heroes. So, as a Doomfist main, I will advocate for Symmetra buff ideas that I’d like to see implemented on the Experimental mode.
- Base shields increased from 100 to 150 (now 100 health/150 shield)
- New Passive: Shield Bender
- Damaging any sort of shield (Barrier, Shield health, Temporary Shield health) regenerates her shield health by 20 per second
- Does not regen normal health (white health)
- Photon Projector (Primary Fire)
- Damage ramp-up increased from 60/120/180 to 90/135/180
- Level 1 Beam width increased from 0.2 meter width to 0.3 meter width
- Photon Projector (Secondary Fire)
- Splash Damage decreased from 70 to 50
- Maximum charge time decreased from 1 second to 0.8 second
- Projectile speed increased from 25 meters per second to 30 meters per second
- Sentry Turret
- Damage decreased from 40 (30 for console) per second to 5 per second
- Health increased from 30 to 35
- Movement reduction increased from 20% to 30% (25% for console)
- Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
- Teleporter
- Cooldown starts when deployed
What I aimed to see improvement on Symmetra’s kit was the time it takes for her to get in the fight, and how long she can effectively stay in the front lines.
Originally, I wanted to increase the beam range of Symmetra, but I feel like since she’s already pretty decent at charging her beam at shields, doing this at a safer distance might give you an instant Zarya-powered beam. However, I still wanted her to be a good, effective front-line, so I gave her more base shields and a new passive. Think about it, every other front-line has some sort of health tool (Reaper Lifesteal, Torb Overload, Mei Cryo) so why shouldn’t Symmetra have one? Not to say that she’s also the only hero to have base 200 health in total and still be a front-line.
I also was originally going to implement a teleport cast time change, but I believe that buffing more aspects of Symmetra will benefit the hero more than making her a teleport bot. I believe a key QOL tool must be added for the teleporter however, otherwise, teleport will be far too clunky to use.
Changing her turrets was also a big must. Making it a useful utility to slow down targets instead of being a deadly washing machine will cause less frustrations in the lower ranks and a better utility option in the upper ranks.
Finally, I have a few things to say about our community. Most of you guys saw this because a Doomfist player, of all things, were saying that Sym needed to be buffed. I don’t want the mindset that your personality and feelings are dictated by who you main. I’ve seen many kind-hearted Roadhog players and many terrible, toxic Roadhog players. I’ve seen many awesome Symmetra players and many horrible Symmetra players. Every community is a up and down. It’s YOU who gets to decide how the hero community should be perceived.
Thank you.