Please Play The 1-3-2 Card

I will play it, but I am against such limitations, just remove 2-2-2 if you want to cut DPS queue times.

2-2-2 was bad enough, but now they want to have a solo tank with ONLY buffs to off-tanks? basically orisa shield will be deleted in a sec by 3 dps

Prior to 2-2-2

I mainly had like 3 DPS in my team while I solo healed, so why can’t we just remove 2-2-2. There is literally no reason for this.

I didn’t like 2-2-2 till I tried it… Now I do like it.

Just like your mother always told you, try it you might like it.

I’m not really too hype about the prospect of solo tanking as a standard. If they buff tanks to be actual raid bosses I’ll give solo tanking a whirl. Otherwise I’m not really interested.

Even tho I hate the idea of 1-3-2, I’m interested to see the tank changes.

  1. devs personal opinion 2. OWL players’ personal opinion 3. money prospects

We got 2/2/2 before this, the idea of a forced-role system balancing the game and improving the system is a bunch of scrape.

Will it add balance? Probably, however removing all the roster except for 6 heroes would do that too.

2/2/2, 1/3/2, or whatever other forced system (Oh boy! Can’t wait for 2/1/3!) is a lazy design decision. They’d impose limits in the name of “balance” rather than actually balance the game.

i’ve already played more 1-3-2 then i ever wanna play!

Solo tankng was no fun prior to 2-2-2 back then you at least had the hope of a decent comp… if 1-3-2 ever becomes the standard i am just not going to tank anymore because its no fun!

Maybe hamster now and then but that’s about it… they may as well just remove tanks from the game because that’s what it essentially results in.


I find it amazing to read negative comments of this modality without knowing in the least the changes to the proposed tanks and without trying it, in fact they write that they will never try it. Absurd.

You sound like a stubborn child.

Currently the highest quality matches can be played in Arcade Quick Play mode.
The role queue has taken away so much strategic flexibility and the element of surprise. It’s really sad.

Definitely agree with that.

I think implementing 1-3-2 would be a mistake and would make tanking much less fun, for plenty of reasons, but I’d be more than happy to be proven wrong.


Thank you.

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I’m going to give it a go (it would be intellectually dishonest to disregard it without trying it), but if I don’t like it I will be very vocal about it.


They’re doing the character ban despite my feelings so I’m not about to help beta test this for better or worse. They can do what they want, there’s other games. And TDM is still alright when it pops up.

Huh interesting Things like this are normally a ptr thing and ptr isnt for console so I was just assuming but it was a fair assumption has blizzard finally learned that that ignoring roughly half there player base (im saying half because console isnt as popular as pc) is a stupid idea

No. My data to the dev’s is to abstain.

I have a fundamental problems with altering Zarya and playing solo. Than being blamed for every loss. Which will happen.

Okay okay, I’ll check out all this hulabaloo.

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They are the “0 minutes experts” for a good reason.

I played that before and drove me away from the game. Solo anything sucks, solo tanking sucks most of all.

as soon as it comes out im diving right into it