Please Play The 1-3-2 Card

Even if you just play one game, that’s data the developers can use to find out if this system really is good for the game or not. I really don’t understand the protests of just not playing the mode. You’re literally providing nothing in terms of data for this experiment. It’s not going to show that you don’t like it, it will show about as much as some persons account that hasn’t been played on in months. Nothing. At least playing a single game will show the devs: “Hey these people are only playing one round of 1-3-2, maybe it’s not the direction the players want the game to go”

So even if you don’t like the sound of 1-3-2, give it a shot. They said they are going to be monitoring the statistics of this card very closely


People are free to protest if they want to. Not playing the mode sends a message to the devs just as playing it does, if people dislike the idea or simply are not interested THAT is a form of feedback.


I’m just not interested in playing it. It doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I’m going to enjoy 2/2/2 while I can.

The only way I’d be interested in playing 1/3/2 would be if there was a sure fire guaranteed way to ruin it often enough for the devs to remove it and never consider it again.


I mean, does it though? Will the thousands of inactive accounts who won’t play the card for obvious reasons count to that number as well?


They know if an account is active or not. If people are playing the game but not the mode that sends a message.


The card is a great feature and I will test it. Balance decisions from the dev team come from the triangle of 1. devs personal opinion 2. raw data (numbers) 3. Player feedback.

The xCard moves us closer to the process. I don‘t care if it‘s 132 this week and whatever next week. I will support it.


As much as it is rather abhorrent being the only Tank in a forced game mode, i guess that i would try it at least 8-10 times across all the Tank characters at least once to see how they play.

Honestly, if i wanted to be foucsed down and ganked as the only Tank just like prior 2/2/2, i would just head to QPC. At least i can grind lootboxes in Arcade!


Playing it already has moved beyond the feedback I have. I don’t want any one role to be all on person. There is a lot more feedback that gets ignored by implemented in the first place.


I’ve become more excited to see it in action as the day (in Australia) has gone on. I am a tank main and I’m super interested to see how the characters will be balanced

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Please do not play it if you are salty. I am pretty sure that will end in a better result for us “selfish” dps mains. So do me a favor and submit. Thank you.


I will, but only if it doesn’t add a separate mode in my career profile stats.

That is like the only way I would test it for more than one game per tank.

ya ya, Jeff already hinted at the credit rewards being the carrot, so I can only wonder how AMAZING the next set of skin releases are going to be.

Busty Mercy please <3

I would gladly play a game (maybe two if I was pleasantly surprised) but I’m unfortunately stuck to playing it on my Xbox

What’s the thing to do if I really really hate it? Play it once and stop? Avoid at all costs? Play it extensively and come back here and complain?

I will do whatever necessary to get them to realize this is the worst idea EVER.


Thats my issue too. I don’t feel like the feedback taking is going to be fair or asking the right questions tbh. At least 2-2-2 had a point and did mitigate concerns by the fact it doesn’t put blame on anyone in particualar.

Yea honestly if everyone were to ignore it, I’d say that just makes it more likely to go through for at least a full season.

Like, they wouldn’t be putting it up to begin with if they didn’t think it had a chance at doing well. If no one is around to tell them otherwise, then they’ll just keep going until people step in to prove them wrong.

Yeah. I mean, I would give it a fair try IF I thought anyone would take my opinion into consideration in any way.

…but that’s the best part. Experimental Card is hitting console at the same time.

You’ve made it very clear you have no intention of giving it a “fair try” though.

As you said literally just a few minutes ago

The mode isn’t even out yet, but you’re saying it’s the worst thing they could ever do. How is that “willing to give it a fair shot”?

This is exactly the sort of reason why we often don’t get our opinions taken into serious consideration.

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