Please overwatch team do something against smurfs

First of all, I am an Console player.
I dont like playing Arcade or Quickplay. I am an Comp only player but Rank ist unplayable on Console it is a miracle if you dont have about 10 smurfs in a match everyone wants to play Dps or ist OneTricking Charakters like Torb Sym or Doom.

There has to be a way to “kill” smurfs on console to make this game fun again

Some Ideas

  1. Let us conect our Smartphone number with the account to make it playable.
  2. You have to buy Ps+ or Xbox Gold (I think its called Gold) for every account u made
  3. You have to conect your account with some kind of personal ID
  4. You habe to be lvl 50+ or maybe 100+ to play Rank ( 25 ist way to early an easy to grind)

I hope someone will read this and andress this. I am sick of playing with 6 Dps smurfs every single match

I hope you were able to read it my english sucks…

  1. No since people with alt accounts would get s***wed. Or children would want to play but don’t have phones. Easy to bypass this with burner phones.

  2. This would be a problem with Sony and Microsoft. Some children play on one system with two accounts. This would s***w them over.

  3. What if people don’t have any personal ID, like children.

  4. New players will lose interest. “Oh I have to play this many hours just to play Comp, nah s***w that.”

Also, if you are playing with 6 DPS Smurfs every match, you are part of the problem that you are talking about.

The smurfing problem on consoles is pretty bad though.

You may not like his answers to it, but, it doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. How would you fix it?

I really don’t think there is a way to change it, that won’t f*** over other players. Of course it can be annoying to deal with, but you have to look at it like a challenge.

I have won many games against people that were in GM/Top 500 while were smurfs while in Masters. And I have had many games where there were smurfs on my team and not on the enemy team, and we get crushed.

Smurfs can be on both your team and the enemy team, no one is targeted and thrown against smurfs by Blizzard.

I’m not SURE, but I expect from their comments about how many smurfs they are seeing (They are obviously overstating the problem… but stay with me on this) - I expect they are low ranks.

And the smurfs they are talking about is the “throwing down to low ranks to stomp the newbies” kind.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard could detect someone doing that.

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Yea, something like that is pretty BS. That is one people need to report deranking players and deranking groups. LFG Deranking Groups should always be reported since it is clear that they are trying to derank.

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When you report and they get banned - because the accounts are not tied together, what is the outcome?

They just make a new account, and do it again - on PC they have to buy a new account, but on console, there is no such barrier.

It doesn’t matter if they get reported and banned… they are back tomorrow.

So this is the issue - what can you do?

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I feel like this is something Sony and Microsoft needs to solve (granted I do know on Xbox if this is a thing or not). They should limit a PSN Membership or Xbox Hold to like 4-5 accounts. That way children can play under one membership, but can’t be abused by people.


That seems pretty fair!

I could get behind that - and you may be right, it may not be an blizzard thing to solve.

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Yeah, I don’t really have an answer for that.

Although, allowing for account merging, then locking the xbox live account to a phone id would help.

Would need better coordination from Sony/Microsoft though.

✅ [Account Merging] Better than RoleBasedSR

Or maybe they could go simpler than that. And just have it so a piece of hardware shares reports wracked up on the device.

So if you hand out a suspension, it’s a suspension for that specific xbox/ps4 device, regardless which account was on it.
(With some exception given to LAN cafes that have consoles).

Or actually I guess it would be hardware + xbox live account, so that would work even better.

There isn’t anything Blizzard can do about this issue. That comes down solely to Sony and Microsoft not attaching physical discs with a key to attach to specific accounts.

That could work.

Allow 3 at max accounts but Only if they are linked, and have some sort of SR thing going on where the system is like “ok i know this guy is masters, so the lowest i can drop him in is plat” kind of stuff

No other online game has this, right?
Why should Overwatch be the exception?

This is more a issue with Sony and Microsoft than Blizzard, but I do agree with though.
I think this alone could decrease the amount of smurf by a lot.

But this can be falsely created as well, right?

I agree.
I always thought they should increase the level required for comp.