Please nerf Sombra. I can't take it anymore

Any reason for that or did they do it just to watch people suffer?

If I can get multiple videos where Sombra’s are consistently getting their hacks off, then one can be led to believe that perhaps hack isn’t that hard to pull off.

You should read that link Venus gave a bit ago

That’s just the title. It’s not disputing the accuracy of the stats, it’s saying let’s not just look at stats.

But that’s not what we are disputing.

You claimed that Sombra’s pickrate is HIGH. That it’s significantly above other heroes, and implied that this proves that regular hack consistently good.

When your argument was countered with it’s not that high with evidence, you try to act as if what someone titled their thread for ONE of the images disproves that.

It’s ridiculous. 2% is not high. She’s on par with 6 heroes and worse than 2. That makes her average. She has an average pickrate.

No idea. Blizzard is Blizzard, they do stuff like this.

Who knows what goes through their heads 1/2 the time.

They made a hero LIKE Sombra, which was crazy. Like I don’t disagree that she isn’t, like, amazingly designed for the game.

But they never fixed that, which is crazier.

I think they will, or that they will balance her in general, which is even crazier than that.

Sombra should NEVER have been left in this state.

  1. They should have made her dangerous in the main fight
  2. made her kit less annoying.

But like… while they don’t do 1, I don’t see how you think they will do 2.

You argue that she is strong and easy, which makes you crazier than Me or Blizzard, and maybe crazier than both of us combined.

Yes, higher compared other DPS. I never meant that it was high in general.

Yeah, they don’t fix a lot of things.

That is pretty crazy.

I have never said either of those. I have said that hack is strong and that hacking someone is low risk, but nothing near saying she’s strong or easy as a whole.

Hack only blocks your abilities, yet you could prefer to get grey screened (YOU KNOW, COMPLETLY DISABLED) that to go on a fair duel with an awful hero whose gun will always be worse that yours?

Does not compute.

It is ok.

Yeah, I still don’t think that is a reasonable position. Hack is high risk as hell. Your entire ability to get value depends on it.

From the wiki…

The international standard definition of risk for common understanding in different applications is “effect of uncertainty on objectives”

The maths of it is…

Like, I get the point that she isn’t likely to die from a lost hack.

But you ARE likely to lose the game from lost hacks. So like, the “effect of uncertainty on objectives" is really high.

That isn’t true. You don’t need to hack someone in order to shoot someone.

As you saw in the video, the person hit 4/4 hacks in the first minute of the game.
The probability of an accident occurring isn’t that high and you don’t immediately lose just because you miss one hack.

It makes a huge difference. Your expected result is VASTLY different from a hacked target than a non hacked one.

Then why does she lose so often?

Like Hack / follow up is what she has. If it was easy and good, then she win a lot.

She doesn’t. Therefore it is bad.

You can’t argue that her ULT is weak, so it isn’t that right?

What part of her kit is making her lose?

Like… OBVIOUSLY something is bad in her kit… So, like, what is it? Because you don’t seem to think it is anything?

I, a person who plays her, think it is the combination of hack and her gun which is bad.

But you think they are REALLY good. So, why is she losing?

You think she counts as an entire hero in the main fights, so it isn’t that.
You think EMP is strong, so it isn’t that.
You think Tele is strong, so it isn’t that.
You think that Hack is strong, so it isn’t that.

Like, what is it then?

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Not really. If you miss a hack, you can still shoot the enemy and hack them soon after you mess up.

If you go to 1:25 in the video, you see them get interrupted and then hack someone as soon as it is off CD. Granted, the Rein was already hacked and unable to put up a shield, but you can see slightly earlier them hacking the Rein when he had the shield.

Because she is overly team dependent. Hack is a strong ability, I’m pretty sure we can agree on that, but it needs good team coordination to properly capitalize on it.

How?, You LITERALLY think every part of her is good.

I don’t think it is, and I EXPECIALLY don’t think it is combined with her gun.

I think a good deal of the game is around the main fights, and that she is garbage there, and that hack DOES NOT make up for that, because it is so hard to get enough value out of it.

And that is NOT team co-ord based. Because the GM’s CAN co-ord, and she has historically not done well there.

If it was balanced she would be banging in GM, and doing badly everywhere else, except she isn’t doing well in GM, so whatever co-ord is needed, it isn’t balanced for the game.

I literally just said I didn’t…

You are taking what I say and amplifying it to the extreme.

Do you honestly think an ability that takes away all abilities of a hero in an ability-based game isn’t strong?

She’s doing better than a lot of other DPS comparatively speaking

Sombra is borderline dumpster tier as it is. She doesn’t need nerfed.

Except you can’t point out where her kit is bad.

If it wasn’t extreme, then she would be doing well.

No I do not, it is not nearly as strong as killing them.

DEAD heroes don’t fight back, dead heroes don’t need to have their health burned through to turn them into dead heroes. Dead heroes ALSO don’t have abilities. Dead heroes can’t be healed. Dead heroes can’t have people shield them to stop them being dead.

It is NOT a strong power, compared to high damage output, or one shots.

It is an ANNOYING but weak power compared to the damage output of regular DPS heroes.

S76’s gun is stronger than hack.

Hack is NOT a powerful ability, it doesn’t do much compared to dead, or sleep, or mobility, or damn near anything in the game. It partially disables a hero, and it goes away by itelf.

Currently, in her meta, where the tanks she does the best at are being played, she almost gets to “average”, and she still loses more than you need to maintain your rank.

You like, met her in one game of ten?


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For a lot of heroes it means death. If a doomfist tries to dive into your team and you hack him, he is effectively dead.

Sure, it doesn’t outright kill them, sure, but it makes killing them a lot easier.

Yes, and in a meta with Genji’s best combo hero and the ideal playstyle, he is picked less.

She is still higher than most DPS. If you want to say that most DPS are extremely weak in comparison to the top picks, that’s fair, but she is still above the average DPS hero.
When I say this I’m not saying she’s strong, only that she’s above average for DPS atm.

For most heroes it doesn’t. In most situations it doesn’t.

But you don’t always hack doomfist, you don’t always do it when he is in your team, and even if you do, he isn’t always dead.

But if you KILL doomfist.

Most heroes who would die, are not ones you can hack, and the ones you can hack you can’t kill.

WHEN you can hack them, they are not usually in a position where they can be killed by your team.

You are looking at Doomfist in the middle of the team, who a hack went off it. A lot has happened for THIS to be the case.

It is NOT the usual case. if I said, we balance Reaper given that you put a full blast into a heroes head, AS THE STARTING POINT, thinking this is how it is for him vs anyone anytime…

Or that Widow ALWAYS hits her shots, or that people ALWAYS stand out in the open without shields, and not moving for her to pick off.

Doom standing in the middle of your team, hacked is not a often thing.

Take the situations which DO happen often, and see how they play out. Because they don’t play out the same way.

You don’t balance around Reaper ALREADY being in the perfect range, with the perfect shot.

sombra is really good right now

unfortunately, you or your teammates were probably playing bad that game

I’m really just tired of seeing requests like this all the time. Yes, Blizzard. Please remove a character defining ability from the game because some DPS player finds it “too unfun” to play against. Let’s continue to homogenize every hero, and make them all the same. Let’s continue to nerf just about the only thing that makes OW special, so that it may continue its self destructive trajectory to become another generic online FPS Game.

Call of duty is that way.

For most heroes it means death and/or they can contribute very little to the fight. A good example of that last part would be Lucio. A hacked Lucio can’t heal, speed, beep, wallride, or ult. He can only shoot is pea shooter.

If the Doom doesn’t die, you have more problems than Sombra not being very good.

It’s not that uncommon for a Doom to do that. Though if it isn’t him, you have Winston, Ball,, Genji, etc. who are vulnerable to hacks because they dive your team.
That’s probably why she has the pickrate she has right now. She’s good against Dive.

In GM.

Which means that she is a high skill and high coordination hero that only gets value there.

Oh wait, I am not allowed to say that about a hero demeed Not Skillful™ by whinners.