Please Nerf Hanzo's Storm Arrows

Yes, all balance is one step forward, two steps back with Blizzard. It will get nerfed eventually. It’s ridiculously strong.


Hanzo is out for 6 days now. Maybe give him 2 weeks before calling for any changes? I think he is fine now. Maybe oversteping McCree terytory (as better McCree) but still we can adapt to him.


This is the price you all pay for trying to make everyone think scatter shot was a no skill game breaking ability


If you read my next post, you would see I was exaggerating, but it doesn’t change the point of the post

I just don’t want to bother with people who argue for the sake of arguing, so yeah. Bye bye :slight_smile:

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and that “all the hanzo’s used it as a crutch, this should make hanzo easy pickings”


Money shot hanzo is still way better than scatter.

I don’t get your point, my dude.

Open to balance changes? Blizzard designed him and if THEY feel like there is an issue, then sure they may jump in and change some stuff. If nothing is changing though then that probably means that he is working as intended.

Personally, I think you are wrong. Hanzo is still effective at his role. Sure, a perfect Hanzo may seem scary but his projectile based nature often keeps him from reaching those levels consistently. Now he is at least able to keep pressure up, not with his storm bow but rather, his faster arrow speeds. Also, in this Brigitte/deathball heavy comp, Hanzo has fewer enemies keeping him in check so he may seem like he is kicking your team’s butts if you are just bobbing around eachother near the point!

In the end of the day, his strength doesn’t take away from the strength of other heroes and that is what is important. Widow will still outvalue him most of the time in the right hands. If you are good at Tracer then you can run her, if you are good at Soldier then you can run him— Swap to him when you need him and swap to someone else when you need them! You should instead be asking that the other heroes feel as naturally good at what they do as Hanzo does right now. (Looking at you Sombra, Doomfist, Bastion, Mei, etc)


No cheesy scatter anymore. I think his normal arrow is more stronger than volley. normal arrow has no cooldown at all.

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It’s not overpowered or even slightly too strong.


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it’s nice to finally have him viable. all these nerf threads were predictable. I hope blizzard knows better than to listen to them.

a good hanzo can already get 2-3 squishy kills in about 4 seconds.


Sigh It was only a matter of time until someone complained about Storm arrow


Either nerf storm arrows or his ultimate charge rate. I can definitely say his ultimate now charges at a rate like Junkrat’s was previously charging at until he got nerfed.

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That’s because my point is directed towards the people who go “Hanzo is perfectly balanced, don’t change him anymore Blizzard”. These kinds of people would go into a massive uproar if Blizzard were to change him

I have no problems with his faster arrows or rapid fire, it’s just that I feel the damage(from Storm Arrow) is a bit too high or it comes out too often for what’s it worth.

Toning down the ability won’t harm his main source of damage or him overall. He still is deadly with the normal faster arrows, and can still be deadly with Storm Arrows, just that he won’t be able to one shot squishies with a headshot while mercy boosted if the damage was decreased from 80 to 75 (which was scatter arrows mini arrow damage)

Welcome to these forums.

Brig is released “NOOO, WE HATE LOW SKILL HEROES!”

Hanzo is reworked “A HIGH SKILL HERO?! WE HATE THOSE TOO!”


Replace good with god and that’s accurate

Except junk takes literally no aim to do well, and his ult has way more destructive capacity on its own

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junk needs an honest damage nerf by like 50 percent
along with projectile speed increase.

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honestly, hanzo is fine when you take junkrat into account. theyre both defense heroes, their job is to be high dps with zoning tools.

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