Please Nerf Hanzo's Storm Arrows

It can easily get 2-3 squishy kills with the right position in about 4 seconds. I think this is much too overpowered. I propose that they change it from 6 storm arrows to 4 or to increase the cool-down. If you play against a hanzo with good aim, you’ll struggle to kill him at long, mid or close range. Edit: I have played against Hanzo much more and have actually kind of picked him up and I still think he may need a slight nerf, but not as drastic as I recommended before.


Just because Hanzo is legitimately viable for the first time in history does not mean he needs to be nerfed.

Players good at the game are hard to kill in general, hero choice doesn’t change that much. Hanzo was just changed to actually reward good aim, so of course a Hanzo with good aim is going to do better now than before.


Swift Strike and Deflect can both do that.

Firestrike can do that.

Boops of all kinds can do that.

Junkrat’s whole kit can do that.

Seismic Slam can do that.

Micromissiles can do that.

Sym’s beachballs can do that.

But you’re right, it’s overpowered when it’s on Hanzo…


What? No. Some of those can, but are very situational; e.g. Boops, and the rest have long cool downs, or can’t alone kill at all; e.g. Firestrike, “Beachballs.”


And just because he becomes viable does not mean he becomes immune to further balancing.

This is why I find it pointless to make balance discussions on this forum. A character who’s been useless for several months gets buffed to insane overpowered status, and this forum would call it “balanced” because they think it’s okay since the character was useless previously, like it was “owed”


Easily? 4 Seconds? No. 3 kills requires 3 headshots and 3 body shots, or 6 body shots with mercy. In 2 clips that were recently provided to me where hanzo had a 6k in the hands of pros, storm came out with an average of only ONE kill per usage. If you struggle to fight hanzo at close or long range, you’re not playing an appropriate hero, or are bad. If you struggle to fight him at mid range, then… yeah you’re supposed to. That’s his spot.


Hanzo is not at an “insane overpowered status” though


No, my example is just an over exaggeration, but the message is still the same, Hanzo should still be open for further balance changes even after being reworked to being more viable.

Storm Arrows right now at 80 dmg per shot is a bit too much for what it’s worth. Mercy Boost is enough for the ability to one shot 200Hp Heroes. It should have been somewhere like 75, which was Scatterarrow’s damage per mini arrow

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Storm arrows still require good aim though, most of the time you’re not even firing them at full speed. Oneshottng 200 hp heroes requires a headshot and damage boost at the same time.

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But, you are firing them at full speed.

Mercy previously had a PTR change which was promptly where her boost was buffed to 50%, not only was it really insane, but it allowed McCree to just one shot 200Hp Heroes with one headshot. Would you not say the problem is quite similar with Storm Arrows?

Hanzo doesn’t have to score 6 headshots in one use of Storm Arrows, he just needs to hit 1-2 for the value to already be insane


If you’re firing them at full speed (i.e holding the fire button down) then you’re missing most of your shots unless you have godly aim or the person is literally standing still. If someone moves you need to space out your shots to adjust your aim.

So you want to punish someone for having good aim ? Okay.


Too much? They literally do less than widow’s primary and they ain’t hitscan.


What kind of Hanzo would hold down the button like that? Unless they’re firing at a Tank or a barrier, rapid firing at a squishy is a waste when they miss. Most Hanzos would space out their shots, like how they would do when firing normally, they get 8 sec duration to fire all 6.

How ignorant. Widow’s primary doesn’t fire off at 4 shots in one second (it takes 0.5 sec to charge up to 80dmg) and the hitscan part would only matter when firing at extremely far distances.

So what? Does that mean I can say that Brigitte deals less damage than Moira overall because her swings are only 35 damage and only 6m range?


How about no…


You’re the only ignorant one here ignores you think he’s op

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I’m sorry but where did I ever mentioned that Hanzo was overpowered? I just said that Storm Arrows was too good for what is it and just needs a little bit of toning down

You, on the other hand, tried to compare an ability to a sniper’s primary fire and then resorted to calling me ignorant when you couldn’t give a counterargument at all to my response.


One word

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Oh you’re one of those. Aight have fun lul

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Insane overpowered status.
The most laughable thing I’ve read on the forums all day. Well done