[Please] Mei reload weapon

Blizzard, please allow Mei to reload her weapon while Cryo-Freeze as Wrecking Ball can reload during a ball


She doesn’t need any more buffs.
The ice block is already strong enough.

Invulnerability, heal, contest, can bodyblock.

No reload and no mobility are its drawbacks.


I don’t know about that. Before the icicle buff, I would have probably agreed.

I main mei and I kinda agree but kinda not?? I tend to reload A LOT so when I Cyro-freeze, i’ll probably have more than half of the ammo.

I’m Mei main, and i disagree. This buff is not necessary at all, and i don’t want Mei to be next OP hero that everyone complains about.

She’s in a good spot. Try to keep an eye to ammo count if you struggle with it, and learn to use ice wall as escape tool. I hope these tips help.


I disagree (and this is coming from a Mei main).

I don’t think she needs a reload just like Reaper’s invulnerability ability.
I consider Mei not having it a tradeoff.

Reaper’s Wraith Form has:

  • Invulnerability
  • Cleanse
  • Movement (+increased speed)
  • Reload

Mei’s Cryo-Freeze has:

  • Invulnerability
  • Cleanse
  • Self heal
  • Is an object (that can break LoS).

I agree with Bloggerman.
Personally i think adding it would mean making it too versatile, i would be more for a partial reload over time, but for now the only thing i want is the fix of the favor the shooter issue.
If it needs a buff, i would reduce the cooldown to 10 seconds or increase the healing speed a bit

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