Let’s fix Bastion, Mei and Reaper

Mei doesn’t need a buff, pick rate really doesn’t matter that much honestly, she still dominates in Plat/Diamond.
She shouldn’t be able to freeze more than one person with her primary weapon, she shouldn’t be able to snipe people with her icicles, she shouldn’t even be entirely invincible in her cryo freeze.
I wish Reinhardt’s fire strike could melt right through that ice and take her out of her little comfort zone.


30% is the number that keeps Bastion dying to ultimates and keeps his TTK with most heroes the same.

Just to make the difference very clear, 35% Bastion survived 400dmg Pulse Bomb. 30% wouldn’t.

Sure, in a vacuum. Which the game isn’t in.

I’d like to see Bastion buffed, but I disagree that going more than 25% iron clad is the way to do it.

About Mei i think she needs mostly bug fixes, otherwise she still remains inconsistent. BTW if we should give Mei a cryofreeze reload i would be ok for a partial reload over time, up to 100 ammos max. About lowering the cooldown IDK if it’s useful or makes her too strong, but this makes her better in stalling and surviving in fights


i dont mind the buffs myself
but truthfully if they do get buffed i believe all tanks as a whole need to get buffed because the increase in damage from everywhere making them unable to keep up

Mei main here. She is fine. That cryofreeze buff you are suggesting is unnecessary, and i don’t want Mei to be powercreeped into meta.

Also, good Mei players can manage their ammo, and don’t need free extra reload. This could have been good buff idea in the past, but she doesn’t need it anymore because she does much more damage now.

Here’s excellent comment explaining why she doesn’t need reload during cryofreeze.

I completely agree that Bastion and Reaper are in dire need of help.


Oh, I didn’t see the Mei part earlier… yeah, she’s nearly perfect since her falloff buff, all she really needs is a couple bug fixes. Cryo needs to work properly (so that she doesn’t get killed/hooked out of it), and maybe a slight change to freeze so that jumping doesn’t basically negate it.

The cryofreeze ammo buff wouldn’t be a powercreep if I’m understand OP correctly.
Currently, Mei’s self-heal can not fully heal her back to full hp at 1hp. The healing is as follow :

37.5 per second
150 over full duration
Up to 4 seconds

Therefore if the ammo doesnt fully reload the 200 ammo clip then it would be a nice addition. It could work with the same formula as the self-heal, but with different numbers. I.E. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 ammo/sec
100 ammo over full duration

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All heros?

seems kinda OP…

Oh boy- I appreciate the thought but I disagree with just about every idea.

This proved to be too much of a problem. Heck, IC is still a problem to this day, because it makes a bad Bastion easier to pocket.

I would be fine with 30% IC on tank, but not on Sentry.

This doesn’t do anything except increase brainless pray and spray. This does not add any incentive and reward for good aim, or even playing him at a higher skill bracket.

Heck, his damage is so baseless that it takes 11 seconds to destroy a Sym ult. Of which it only lasts 15 seconds. Is it really worth the 11 seconds of possible suicide just to make the barrier drop 4 seconds faster?

He need HS added back, even if at a 1.5X modifier, and tighter spread.

Recon feels fine atm, the problem is how useless Sentry is. Talking to some of the best Bastion players in NA, the correct way to play him is 30/70. 30% in recon and 70% in sentry.

Recon is used for mobility, not a replacement for Soldier.

I just want a QoL buff where it heals instantly and no longer has a cast time.

Honestly, she just needs her ult to not get sucked into the 4th dimension whenever she uses it.


There was a time when Bastion was scary to Winston or Dva, it was called before his IC days, where his damage was actually lethal and not wasted.

And the problem with buffing IC is that your now have just nuked lower ELOs. Balance should take all ranks into consideration, not just one.

Creating a new meta to stop a meta solves nothing, it’s why I hate Brig so much.

Actually false.

He could survive Dragon, both of them.

He already can survive Primal Rage, matter of fact Bastion melts Winston when he tries to attack him in sentry mode.

He could ONLY survive dva nukes because his IC stacked with Nano DR, and it gave him 85% Damage reduction. He can no longer withstand nukes not only because he no longer has 35% IC, but because the DR was capped at 50%. Meaning when she nanos Bastion he only gets 30% more DR currently, because it does not go past 50%.

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That’s why I don’t want 30% ironclad. Sentry feels better now with 20% ironclad

Now all Sentry needs is tighter spread and HS added back.

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Mei is fine. She only need bugfixes at the moment.

Reaper and Bastion could use some help.


I still think Bastion needs his spread in sentry reduced above all else.


No HS but tighter spread yes

Personally, I think that Mei and Reaper fulfill their niche roles currently. Just because a hero isn’t “meta,” doesn’t mean that they aren’t viable.

Bastion however… is Bastion. Outside of team comps like Pirate Ship and mowing down an unaware enemy team in Overtime, the hero is practically worthless because of one reason that surprisingly Zarya also suffers from. They need constant protection of a BARRIER.

Why do you think Rein/Zarya (or dare I say Orisa/Zarya) comps and Bastion/Rein or Bastion/Orisa comps are so common for tank lineups that utilize these two heroes?

These heroes cannot physically function by themselves very well in 1v1 scenarios without the input of an ally’s participation (0 self-sustain outside of her relatively long cooldown personal barrier). For Zarya, the charge she gains off players shooting at her deployed barriers on Reinhardt and his barrier; and for Bastion, the wall of damage negation that sustained barriers provide, allowing him to mow down those within LoS without immediately being focused down.

Personally, the fact that Bastion CAN be so impactful is where the hero’s flaws begin to show. You can’t have a hero that can kill an enemy team in 3 seconds (not actual time, guesstimating for the sake of not doing the ****ing calculations), okay? You just can’t; it’s overpowered as all get out, right? And you know, they tried to balance it out with Ironclad forever ago, so props to them for that because it was a genuinely good idea. A trade-off of Insane headshot damage for better sustain. Seems fair, better than before actually. However, this ultimately backfired and Ironclad was nerfed, leaving Bastion where the hero is now with minor tweaks over the last few years that hardly impacted the hero in any significant way at all. Bringing this back a bit-since I sort of went off the rails explaining outdated balancing changes-Bastion has a number of flaws outlined by the hero’s Reconfiguration: Sentry Ability. This ability that transforms Bastion into a literal turret sounds great on paper, but awful in reality. This is a relatively fast-paced FPS game with some MMO (and other game archetype) elements implemented. You can’t afford to be sitting in a fixed position doing nothing (something that Builders like Torb/Sym suffer from aside from low-impact in team fights). I mean, for ****s sake… The game literally has a mid-game tip that says that you should constantly be moving in-game (and yes, those tips are very outdated, but frankly this particular one is still current despite this fact).

So, what’s to be done then? Well, I see two options, either Reconfiguration: Sentry simply needs to be reworked ENTIRELY or Bastion needs a complete overhaul of changes to stay current in developing metas.

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Reaper will suffer alot from powercreep after the latest PTR

I like the idea of the lowered reload time, but I believe that the other changes would not fix his fundamental problems, but rather completely ignore them and create certain parts of his kit to be overpowered. This is personally what I would like to see:

Configuration: Recon

  • Reload time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds


  • Cast time (into Configuration: Sentry) reduced from 1 second to 0.8 seconds
  • Cast time (into Configuration: Recon) reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.4 seconds

Configuration: Tank

  • Can now move during cast while in Configuration: Recon
  • Cast time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1.2 seconds

This is pretty nice as buff, but it should be implemented only if necessary. I’m more for a cooldown reduction, or for a refund if cryofreeze is not used completely

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I agree with the part saying that Bastion shouldn’t sit in Sentry all the time, but not with your method of achieving it. If Sentry were to be removed or significantly reworked, then Bastion wouldn’t be Bastion anymore. Bastion’s entire kit revolves around his minigun, and it needs to stay that way, or else he just becomes a bad off-brand Soldier.

While I think that attempting to rebalance Bastion was a good idea, I don’t think they went about it in the right way. At the time, damage resist was rather new to the game, only Ana had an ability that could apply it, so it’s effects weren’t extremely obvious. Giving Bastion a passive damage resistance seemed fine at the time perhaps, but it turned to be far too hard to balance around. They need to take away his passive damage resistance all together and either remove Ironclad completely or change it into something else. My favorite idea for it would be to allow Bastion (and only Bastion) to overheal himself with 75 armor when at full health. The armor doesn’t go away over time (only with damage), and can’t be healed by healers. This armor also applies to Recon mode. With this version of Ironclad, Bastion isn’t actively encouraged to stay in Sentry mode all the time for the damage resist, and it encourages the player to move around because going to Recon mode doesn’t remove the effects of Ironclad anymore, making escape a valid option.

His Sentry gun also needs some tweaks. His spread is far too inconsistent. They wanted to lower his effective DPS against squishies, but they also made it nearly impossible to kill tanks as well. They tried to make him a “shield breaker”, but this is a needless role, as pretty much anyone else in the game can fill this role while staying safer than Bastion (since Bastion has to set up into Sentry mode to shoot the barriers, whereas other heroes can corner peek). If they wanted to reduce his damage against squishies, they should have just reduced his base damage and given him a bonus to his barrier damage to keep him at 450 against them. With the new Torb rework, they’ve shown that they’re not scared to give bonus damage to specific health types, why not do that to Bastion? He wouldn’t kill as quickly, but his damage would still be consistent, which makes up for it. I don’t mind needing to track someone for an extra half second or so, but it’s very frustrating to track someone for 2-3 seconds, and they only lose half of their health because only a third of my bullets hit due to the spread.