Mei QoL Changes and Small Buffs ❄️

This will allow so much team play, and the team can prep themselves for the Mei Wall as well.

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I already seen thread like those already… :sweat_smile:

Oh, and she should get full ammo after cryo for crying out loud.

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This is interesting. I never really thought about this.

I love these ideas!

I made sure to put that in my thread as well, I think she should get full ammunition refilled when using Cyro-Freeze and Blizzard.

Mei is much less ability dependent nowadays, though. She does very good damage at all ranges, as long as you are good at aiming her projectiles. This has been case since falloff removal.

I’m going to borrow this comment from Bloggerman, because it explains really well why she doesn’t need reload on Cryofreeze, while Reaper/McCree has them on their abilities:


I really like this. I don’t see too many mei posts, she really is in a decent place atm. This would put her firmly in B-Tier or even A-Tier.

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I understand where you are coming from with this. Bloggerman did a outstanding job explaining and breaking down why he feels as though Mei doesn’t need it for Cyro-Freeze.


It wouldn’t make her Overpowered, but more viable.

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To be perfectly honest, only reason i’m fighting against buffing Mei nowadays is because i really like to avoid situation where something ends up being too much and they nerf her. Which can lead to some awful changes.

I’ve learned watching changes to other heroes. Sometimes best change is no change at all.

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The trade-off isn’t in the invulnerability, it is in her immobility. Reaper’s wraith-form is significantly improved because of it’s escape mechanism, whereas Mei is forced to remain stationary, giving the enemy time to setup for when she emerges again.

Reaper’s self heal is attached to his primary fire, making it a standard part of his kit, rather than a situational one. Mei can only heal while immobile and incapable of doing anything for her team beyond breaking LoS for certain effects.

The trade-offs don’t line up like it is being suggested. Mobility is way more powerful on Reaper and his kit than being Invulnerable is on Mei with her Kit.


I do understand this so much as I main all the heroes That many classified as unfun, as I am one of the major voice for a very “Like-able” hero known as Sombra lol.

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I hate Mei but I guess these changes will make her a tad more viable

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People tried suggesting QoL changes for Symmetra, and look where ‘that’ got her!


WHITEHORN, it crazy how I know how much you hate Mei, but you agree with poor ole Somvra’s suggestions :wink:

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That was the devs’ fault for that honestly.

Yet Mei is stronger hero right now than Reaper and McCree. Mei has lot more range than before as well. She no longer needs to stand next to enemy to something against them. Giving Mei more ammo is not necessary, nor desirable unless you reintroduce damage falloff, or something.

Immobility doesn’t matter if Mei stays on the safe territory / near teammates. She doesn’t need ‘get out free’ -card if she overextends. Not anymore, thanks to falloff removal.

I’d rather buff/change Reaper’s self heal right now, because he needs help more than Mei. You can still catch him pretty easily when he disengages with Wraith form. Also, Reaper can’t do anything else but move during it’s duration, thus not doing anything for team.


As a Mei main I have to point out this is not a QoL change. This is a straight buff. However, it is also not a useful one as Mei’s goal is typically to bypass Barriers and freeze the user of said Barrier instead.

I agree entirely on this point. Nothing frustrates me more that upon leaving Cryo freeze that I often still have to reload my weapon and by that time I may be dead from being targeted by the person waiting outside my cryo.

This I think personally would hurt at least my playstyle. I often purposefully leave a small hole open to one side to bait enemies to try and save one of their team that I have cuttoff. Effectively creating a trickle effect which can lead to a full team kill if they go into full panic mode to save their Rein.

Adding another pillar would make this more difficult.

Oh god, please no… I already know how tall it is. I do not need my entire screen cluttered up with the overall structure in my face. Especially when I am trying to determine how close an enemy is and when to cut them off.

Keep current animation with the line on the ground and this is fine. Change it to be a huge obstructing force on everyones screen and you will have more then just 6 enemies in the game.

Not needed. A player should be prepared to follow up on their blizzard.


I stated that I wasn’t too much of a fan with this idea.

Understandable, as I do preform this often. If it get’s messed up, I normally take the Wall done.

This, I do understand. I just figured to put this suggestion out for you guys.


I agree with this stated to a certain degree.

Honestly I don’t think she needs all of this. Mei is a very durable and self-sustained hero who already has lots of advantages in certain situations with her Weapon & Abilities, you don’t wanna over-tune her, especially since she’s actually in a pretty good spot already. :face_with_monocle:

The only thing Mei needs right now is:

  • Bug fixes to Cryo-Freeze.
  • Teammates need to be able to see the Ice Wall Indicator on the ground.

As for the Ice Wall suggestion, here’s the thing: It’s already her strongest ability and provides so much for you and your team; especially when you can stay alive and manage her cooldowns, (not to mention it completely blocks line of sight), overall it doesn’t need to be any stronger. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Mei’s Blizzard & Cryo-Freeze automatically fully reloading her gun, I still don’t agree. As I’ve said before Mei is already a very durable and self-sustained hero with just her Ice Wall & Cryo-Freeze alone, her Weapon already has a 200-Count Ammunition that’s basically a VERY strong form of CC on it’s own on top of her Alternate Fire which now has 0 Fall-Off Damage. Therefore if you manage catch Mei when she needs to reload her weapon then that’s just a form of counterplay that the Mei player has to deal with. :grimacing: :snowflake: