Please let us hide our season ranks

TL;DR: Add an option to hide season ranks from profile outside of competitive. Doesn’t matter if people will still insult for hiding, the feature would do no harm.

small rant incoming

Just for a background, I’m not very active in team chat I just mind my own business and play to have fun. I play competitive 4 hours a season at the most and just drop it because I like collecting gold guns. I couldn’t care less about my rank. I could make a mistake or a big brain play and be insulted for it because of rank, saying stuff like my rank is trash and im trash. IN QUICK PLAY

All desire to play the game just plummets and I just can’t have a good time when stuff like this happens. This has been on ongoing problem for me and I know im not the only one which is why im here. I have over 650+ hours on this game and I LOVE it. But the players are just beyond toxic and I know you can report or mute chat but most of the time the damage is already done usually. I make it a thing to mute chat but sometimes I forget.

At this point we absolutely need an option to hide our competitive ranks outside of competitive. All this does is allow players to feel superior to others and feel they have all the power to BM and talk down other players. I can see the value in knowing what other people play and that can stay if needed, but there is no value in showing rank. People often refuse to accept that someone below their rank is doing good against them or they get so much pride when they beat someone of a higher rank and feel the need to BM. Its just so unnecessary. This might not be the GOLDEN solution but there’s no harm in allowing people to do this.

Excuse me for my little rant I just had absolutely toxic matches today, but this is just a necessary feature.


We could just look you up on overbuff. So that would solve nothing.


I doubt people are willing to alt tab go to Overbuff and then search for their profile to make fun of them, people don’t care that much.

And plus if you’re hiding your rank I’m pretty sure Overbuff wouldn’t be able to see it either, meaning they can’t show it.


this is the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. If you’d go that far to see stats on overbuff that’s just sad for you. To say it would solve nothing is just plain ignorant. The difference is it would only make all the insults baseless.

Also, like scout said, no one cares that much.


The only people who wouldn’t want this changed is people in master who want to show off their rank and insult others -_-


Only low ranked players would ever want this.


that doesn’t make it a bad thing? High ranked players are toxic as hell in quick play, where everyone wants to casually play. People just want to show off their rank to look superior and that shouldn’t be a thing in a casual mode. Most people play the absolute minimum it takes to do their placements just for a gold gun. If they hardly play comp chances are they don’t care and would rather not be insulted by their rank obtained within a wopping 4 hours of play.


On my diamond account some masters straight up harassed me for hours calling me diamond trash I’m a weeb pleb like messaging for hours (only kept to report and clip some proof)

So no, mid level tiers experience this too.

And there’s nothing wrong with that you shouldn’t have to endure that in qp, sorry that you do op


It’s kind of amusing I mean. Do you honestly think that playing terribly will not warrant a response as long as your rank is hidden, any decent player can tell the skill level of a player if he plays extremely poorly with rank absence.


But then how can people of the same rank as me call me trash for being in that rank?

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If you don’t favor the feature and have nothing to contribute to the discussion then why are you here? I consider myself pretty above average and i’m more than certain if I dedicated my time to playing competitive i’d 100% climb the ladder. But I don’t because competitive is just not fun for me. The issue here is not because im bad like what you keep implying. the issue is my rank is being shown in a mode where it doesn’t matter and people who spend much more hours in competitive that have like 150 sr more than me feel the need to open their mouths when I beat them?

This isn’t a “Im so bad please let me hide my rank” post. This is a “I just want to have a fun and positive experience without being called out for hardly caring about competitive in a casual mode” post. Its not the golden solution and i’m aware. But it makes insults baseless and doesn’t allow people to target your rank when you kill them or offend them for whatever reason. Its like you’re saying to not try and throw out ideas or start a discussion because the game will never change ( which is false). You literally offer nothing to the discussion

Don’t have anything to contribute to the discussion? I worded out why I disagreed with you, just because someone isn’t supporting your ridiculous suggestion doesn’t mean he’s not contributing to the discussion. What a terrible way of seeing things.


your explanation for why you disagree is so poor its laughable. You literally came here to say the idea is trash and it will never work. And you proceed to call my suggestion “ridiculous” while not giving up any better opinions other than “lol this will never work” “only lower rank players want this” which is completely false and most people know this. Just because it isn’t going to fix the entire game doesn’t make it useless. Its a step in the right direction and you’ve got to be an idiot to think that removing what is essentially a giant glowing badge for people to look for when they get triggered by someone/beat someone wouldn’t do anything.

Hey, while we’re at it, can we just hide our profile stats, so people can’t tell us what heroes to play, or how bad we are at whatever hero, etc?


Your reason why this should exist is horrendously abysmal. Nearly as bad as your logic on what constitutes to “contributing to discussion”. What a hypocritical kid.

So let’s sum things up here, low ranked presumably silver player gets mad for being rank shamed in-game. Suggests he should be able to hide his shame with support of in-game UI.

Gets told his idea would only support low ranked players, gets butthurt.

Anymore to add to the time line?


A way to avoid people going “WOW HIDING IT MUST BE BRONZE” etc could be that the hidden function makes it seem like you haven’t played Comp at all.

That wouldn’t really work out, since people could easily tell from looking at your profile level, someone getting a silver portrait halfway through a competitive season is just impossible.

Unless you mean having no time in season 3, 4, 5 and so on people will still just assume you’re hiding it because of low ranking

So you’re telling me a casual mode displaying a rank from ANOTHER mode to everyone you play with doesn’t invite much more insults to a person who might play video games for fun?

Well you’ve got the rank wrong by a long shot and your post just reeks of ignorance. I bet you’re the same kind of player that uses someone’s lower rank to insult them when they slap you around in quick play or something.

Im far from butthurt, if anything you’re quite upset that I said you offer nothing to the discussion. Which is true. If you have an opinion make it count. Insulting a suggestion while not offering up a better idea won’t change anything.

I’ve come across top 500 players insulting gm players. GM players insulting master players when they are 5 sr above the minimum. masters players insulting diamond players after barely hitting masters in the current season. Your argument holds no weight just because of this.

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then let them assume I say. Better than putting a giant badge of your rank for everyone to see in a mode where it doesn’t matter.

If we hide our ranks then people will ask to hide their hero stats, then they’ll ask to make their profile private, so on and so on and the game will get even more closed and anti social then it already is. We already don’t communicate of our own will.