Please let us hide our season ranks

How is asking for a basic feature that is highly requested asking for special treatment? I’m done having this discussion with you you’re literally an idiot.
You’re a fan of people getting harassed? Because out of my 600 hours I have plenty of stories that might get you going. I have 4 hours in my current season, probably the least i’ve played yet and about 200 sr less than last season. I also finished my placements at the end of the season. God forbid I don’t value my rank and want to have a good time.

Now you’re implying I don’t want to play with higher ranks? I want it to not matter when I pop off in a game or not play at my highest because im relaxing. Im not getting horrendously beat every game and BM’d, if that’s what your 2 brain cells think.
You keep trying to assume that im far below diamond and its pretty sad thats all you’ve got to say. I’m a pretty above average player that just wants to have fun in a game and not be harassed for whatever reason there may be that resorts to my rank being insulted.

Dear lord you sound really upset. Once again doing nothing but trying to insult me. We’re done here you’re actually an idiot and proving my point. You know nothing of my rank and you’re trying so hard to “hit me where it hurts”.

Haha, “I’m not butthurt”, then you see these personal insults added in every petty sentence in your post. Each post making less sense and using less logic than the next. Very amusing boy.

The “You sound really upset” really made my day. HAHAHA. Good one.

If you’ve got the insults out of your system we’re done here because clearly you didn’t even read what I said because you replied so fast. Obviously a troll and the reason this suggestion is constantly made.

That could be the case, but I feel rank is what is attacked most if you’re not top 500 even in places meant for pure fun. I would say toxicity is what has contributed most already to the communication. People will communicate if they want to regardless. And these stats could never be hidden from competitive since its especially important, just as important as communication. Quick play stats and any other modes would still be visible because thats where it is relevant.

Let’s all calm down!

Op it sucks that some dbag did that to ya, just report him and move on. It’s a game, please try to focus on having fun first and foremost, someone who goes outta their way to harass you should make you feel bad for them.

But hiding rank ain’t never gonna happen haha, sorry

Should there also be an option of hiding your name, so people would not know who you are?


^This is so true. After this,OP will probably ask to make overwatch have black screens :smiley:

I’ve been reporting em the best I can. Another one always shows their ugly head. When you play as much as I do, the chance of some toxic player coming around is much higher sadly. Its not one occurrence turning me away, the game starts to lose its charm when people start to get so hostile when they lose on multiple occasions.

It could happen if implemented correctly. People in the casual modes are at no disadvantage from not being able to see a person’s rank. If someone is playing well and a player can’t find a reason to insult them on the spot, they look no further than to someone’s profile to dig up some dirt from 5 seasons ago.

Im aware that the information is valuable when in competitive so it should stay. But for the love of god just let people have fun in quickplay without allowing them to be targeted by rank.

You’re implying there isn’t anonymity already by logging into the internet. These people wouldn’t be as bold as they are in overwatch if there wasn’t.
Bronze also makes up 8% of the overwatch population.

Excuse me if I didn’t type this discussion correctly but I just want users to have a choice. Im not the only one making this suggestion. At the moment most quick play matches i’ve had have led to hardly higher rank players insulting slightly lower rank players. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound ideal in a game, more specifically a mode you’re meant to just have fun in.

Never have I ever implied that my rank is so low that i’m being insulted and i’m ashamed. I’m among the above average players who just want to see less toxicity in a mode they play frequently.

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Never have I ever implied that my rank is so low that i’m being insulted and i’m ashamed. I’m among the above average players who just want to see less toxicity in a mode they play frequently.

And yet, you ask for rank hiding, therefore, you are ashamed. And there is plenty of ways, like blocking or even turning off chat, but of course, making stupid ideas in forum is easier :slight_smile:

That’s a narrow-minded assumption to make. I’m not ashamed of my rank. I’m around the same level as a majority of the player base. Im asking for an option to hide rank because it shouldn’t matter in a mode where it isn’t being altered by win/loss. Let my skill do the talking, not where i’m placed. Usually my skill does do the talking because I get targeted for playing at my best and making people upset.

Another person that doesn’t read my post huh? I block people. I turn off chat, there’s also no permanently disable chat option. Even if there was I would rather not cut all communication from my team as I like making new friends. Are you not aware of the amount of toxicity in this game? Blocking one person doesn’t solve it. I shouldn’t have to cut myself off from the only ways to communicate with other players CONSTANTLY because of toxicity. I like talking to people.

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You underestimate the pettiness of online gamers. To those that care in the first place they will absolutely still look you up.

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I mean it shouldn’t even matter in game. Everyone you play with should theoretically be the same tier.

I believe in some cases this idea would be useful though.

I think you’re severely overestimating the pettiness of online gamers, that would be really pathetic if people alt tabbed mid game just to find a ranking of a specific player.

Sure there are probably toxic players out there who care wayyy too much about rankings and would look people up mid game, but I can confidently say that if this gets added 95% of players who “care in the first place” wont bother looking up a player.

You’d be surprised of how many people i’ve played with that are (or were) top 500 or high gm. those are usually the most fun matches and they are often pretty nice and funny. While the people in those tiers still insult others below them, its usually just people who are 5 sr above a tiers minimum that you happen to be below. Its just pointless banter but it has gotten old

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Smart cookie! I agree wholeheartedly

I get s++t like “Silver border in Gold, you must suck” in games like Quick play even if I’m doing well. Personally I think I’m quite misplaced because I was genuinely awful in season 4, climbed in season 5, but then stopped doing much comp for seasons 6 and 7, only to try again at the end of season 8, climbing rapidly then falling on the last day because end of season trolls. BUT that is aside the point for these people because apparently rank means everything and it’s so embarrassing because I don’t want to seem like I’m dishing out excuses when trying to justify my rank because, funnily enough, if one person starts s++++++g on someone for their rank, more people join in. Makes me lost faith in humanity…
But yes. For whatever reason, people should definitely be able to hide their ranks.

Hmmm…kinda at a loss here. All I can say is I’m sorry ppl trash talk you for rank. Stuff like this drove me to both always be kind to all I play with, and to hit the practice room for hours- learn from my mistakes- be my harshest critic- and rank up so that I can lol at sheet talkers.

My best friend in game and in life is looooooow bronze and I don’t give a f. Most rewarding thing meeting actually great ppl and cultivating relationships. Heck I even get off on helping them get better by playing 1v1 but also just having a great time.

All I can effectively do is offer words- I can’t change anything. I hope you find people you enjoy playing with daily like I have, and if I can offer something constructive…try to think if you’re doing ANYTHING at all to attract those types of comments. If not, just let it go man. I don’t know you maybe you unintentionally bait them, or maybe you just have bad luck and ppl torment you. Either way, I hope it works out, games should be fun and I sincerely hope you enjoy this awesome game without any social stress.

All best,

I’m not endorsing the idea, merely pointing out an observation. It takes 2 seconds to type a name into the browser open on your phone.

Just glazing over most comments here support my opinion.

Agree to disagree. /shrug.

What about not playing comp at all? Since you don’t like that game mode. I wish they had never introduced Golden guns, so people like you actually stay away from comp. And this is coming from a highly competitive person. I play comp to get better at the games. I want people to see my ranks and the evolution of it. How I went from gold to master.

If you don’t want your ranks to show, don’t play comp at all.

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Hey woah don’t go around saying “People like you” like that, I try my best in every comp match I play. I just don’t invest much time beyond my placements into it. I want to improve as much as the next guy but the game in it’s current state doesn’t make competitive very appealing to me. I don’t just join competitive to give a poor performance to my team. Maybe if some more changes come to the mode i’ll feel more comfortable diving in since im pretty confident I can climb MUCH higher. For now its just placements and im out. Its also probably too late for the “dont play comp” as I didn’t predict things would be like this when I played season 1.

I also don’t regret playing competitive. I’d just like to be the one to make the decision whether someone can see my rank or not in modes where its irrelevant.