Since she’s right there with Bastion as the worst dps… So this ban seems beyond pointless. Hope they actually smooth over her clunky kit, and give her something to work with.
If Torb can be viable, Sym can too.
Since she’s right there with Bastion as the worst dps… So this ban seems beyond pointless. Hope they actually smooth over her clunky kit, and give her something to work with.
If Torb can be viable, Sym can too.
I think they just ran out of DPS to ban.
I hope they make sym one day be the incredible light-architect i pictured when i first saw her.
Likely not. Devs likely disillusioned
in what world is sym in a bad spot?
she never been more powerful/ meta in all the time.
and actually she recently got buffed.
She’s beyond niche when her rework was aimed to make her not niche… Go back and watch her rework video, and notice what they say their intentions were.
She’s bad on 90% of the maps in this game. While needing comps built around her so she doesn’t die instantly, since she is probably the easiest hero in the game to kill… Pickrate showcases this, among other things. Her winrate isnt accurate. (Has been the highest in game since release, because of inflated stats.)
And she has one of the lowest winrates in OWL.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they did take her out this week to test things.
No. They just hate Sym and people who dare to main her.
I still feel like Echos laser attack would have been better used on Sym for her primary fire. So she could hit people with her ball then beam them down. I say remove it from Echo and give it to her. Echo is good enough without it.
She was “meta” for like 2 weeks then nerfed immediately, which even then her highest pickrate was 3.5% at peak which is just average for most heroes.
Can’t tell if trolling or not because she’s been on the bottom since the game’s launch and was pushed right back there the moment she started being used even slightly.
This is the last experimental bans.
Next it will be a unified ban based on two weeks worth of pick rate.
Riiiiigh… You talking about that “Pick Symm. drop portal right when doors open. Change to Sombra or Tracer and catch up to team” meta?
What rank are you? Silver?
To OP: Honey, we both know that’s not gonna happen.
Symm and Mercy cant get buffs and their mains are not part of human society silly.
Remove the turrets, and in exchange give her 250HP and increase the range of her gun.
Imagine thinking they made a difference by banning two of the worst DPS heroes this week, the clownery is so real that its unreal.
They can’t buff her unless they remove 2CP from the game. She’s OP on 2CP and underpowered everywhere else. I’d fully support that move. More realistic is a rework though.
She’s by far from OP in that mode. She’s viable, instead of being a throwpick is more like it.
Tp strategies are not hard to predict… You can counter them easily by playing point for example. Or anti-nading the tp so they all die.
If she was so op in 2Cp she would be picked all the time for it in OWL. But she is only sometimes seen there.
In Ranked she has a high winrate because they swap if it’s not working and stay it is working.
In OWL, they swap after 2 seconds or it isnt working. Love it ^^
she’s cancerous hero, what buffs would you expect? Make her beam pixel perfect mb? THat’s what this game needs, not cancerous buffs.