At this point idk if it is the devs or the hiring managers. Someone is making serious mistakes over there lmao.
Good luck. Both Mercy and Bap were the only 2 main supports not banned and the forums were dominated about how terrible comp felt with the healers available (not enough healing), yet Blizzard will not buff either of them due to the community hatred for these heroes (Symm included). None of the other supports were nerfed either. Even after all the feedback how terrible comp felt.
These are the forgotten heroes of Overwatch considered mistakes.
nah they’re just banning her to see how dva and sigma performs. hence why zarya was banned too.
Soooo true. Mercy and Sym (maybe Bastion too) are the black sheeps of Overwatch. Their mains are hated, tortured and, despite Blizzard trying so hard to get rid of them, still trying to get their heroes viable and fun again.
The only buffed Ashe and Pharah because they were unbanned and could collect data on them. Sym isn’t getting anything.
Maybe they banned her so they can give her golden glove
No seriously, she’s a hero that the community will not let be super viable. For the brief moment in time that she was super meta, people whined that out of existence in one patch cycle, meanwhile others are allowed to stay overtuned for a year. roflmao
Granted, I’m not saying Symm wasn’t a bit nutso during that time, but i will always think the ammo nerf was unnecessary when coupled with the heavy damage nerfs.
But yeah, a hero being banned doesn’t = balance changes, at all. So don’t expect buffs. And if she is touched, the changes will be minor af. This is not a hero allowed to be super viable, soooo yeah.
Maybe that was the point? it’s the last week of these experimental bans, they may as well minimize the impact
Were you around about half a year ago when they actually buffed her, made her beam a little wider, made her power ramp up a little faster?
She felt good as a solid DPS for about a week, then they went “we changed our minds lol!” and reverted most of it.
Then after that, they heavily nerfed all major shield health in the game, which hurt her even more because that’s the main resource she needs to eat up in battles
Since they make same bans for OWL and overwatch main game, i feel like its gona be more connected to those than a balance changes now.
It’s not the ammo that made her op, it’s the fact that she had unlimited ammo because of double shield + INSANE damage because of the new beam rework/bug fix that affected zarya sym and Moira to an extent. I think people’s whining is justified when she could easily get a 4K super fast and had her ult after every fight. To be fair, they even nerfed zarya, whose damage was also super big. Now I have to agree that after that she fell to the dumpster category, and no hero deserves that and with how much it hurts my ego to say it, but not even mei deserves to be in the dumpster
They will never understand us.
What? Felt good for a week? She was overpowered as hell and melting everything in sight.
Nowhere did I say it was the ammo that made her op…
I have no idea how you twisted my words around to mean that, but nowhere did i say that.
I also literally said she was a bit much during that one time.
So nowhere did i say ppl didn’t have the right to complain about it.
No. She was behind Doomfist and Reaper during that week stint, and on par with Mei, McCree, Widow, and Hanzo.
But because she is Symmetra, she had to be sledgehammered.
Don’t get me wrong; she needed nerfs due to the unintended power of the beam bug fix. But she was overnerfed and the real problematic heroes (Sigma, Orisa, Doomfist, Reaper) were barely touched at that time. (Yes I know changes were eventually made, key words are “at that time.”)
I agree that she was over nerfed and it was a misunderstanding on my part, I thought you meant that when people were whining about her on the forums you meant something like you didn’t think she deserved the nerfs, that’s just misunderstanding from me
I also misunderstood this, you know I had this mental state you get when you deal with people on this forum that all they do is whine from a previous post, I’m not saying you are , you are one of the most reasonable persons I met in this forum, at least on this thread because I haven’t seen any other of your threads so I can’t judge yet.
Anyways you are right, it’s just me that misread
Hey no problem, but this was my first post in this thread. I think a lot of us use the same pink Symmetra icon!
Oops didn’t even realize
The thing is, Sym is a situational hero. She is not a generalist. In the situations shes good in, she excels. Her kit is built around that. Unless completely re-working the hero, she is not a generalist nor designed to be one. A buff to her is unnecessary.
Situational hero is just code for bad. Every system in the game encourages maining. If I can’t main Sym as much as someone can main Tracer, Doomfist, McCree, or whoever else, it means she’s weak.
The devs have already acknowledged this.