Please give sigma some actual downtime

Why is this hero allowed to have no downtime? It’s legit just:

“Omg guys we broke his shield finally!”

“Oh wait he used grasp”

“Oh wait he recharged his shield while he was using grasp”

“Oh wait he has extra health from grasp”

“Oh wait he moved his shield somewhere else”

Like don’t get me wrong sigma is one of my favorite tanks to play, but his lack of downtime is so FRUSTRATING. And it’s the reason he’s so clunky to play as well. I bet if you gave him some actual downtime you could make him less clunky.

EDIT: For clarification, he’d needs nerfs so he has downtime, but buff him elsewhere so he’s less clunky.


he has downtime cuz shield needs around 10 sec to fully regenerate and grasp is just 2 sec duration and 12 sec cd ​-_


Don’t worry when he uses all his abilities he gets a drone thrown at him then he has shield up again

It also doesn’t help he’s a ranges tank unlike rein or Winston, so he doesn’t have to worry but aggressive and passive that leads to downtime, and zarya only has a bubble for herself as self defense


He has 2 seconds of shield down time, and just bait out his grasp :relieved:


You don’t need to fully regenerate the barrier

Sigmas barrier is all about catching cooldowns anyways.


and whole team now has no IF… what a waste

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Sure why not?

Tomorrow, maybe. Probably not. Although maybe…

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How is it a waste when sigma gets more uptime and doesn’t die

Like what else are you supposed to drone?


Oh yeah hopefully there should be a patch tomorrow.

Maybe we’ll see something actually somewhat big, it’s been 5 months since the last balance patch after all :roll_eyes:


devs: Is that a challenge?


Just get rid of the shield and rework the hero around Kinetic Grasp. I really liked Sigma on the goofy experimental.

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50/50 chance of CC and burst damage buffs though.

Let me spin the drunken headless chicken… It is a buff for… Lucio knockback by 25% strength! …And… another buff… Torb shotty can now… One shot Tracer with no crits!

Darn the chicken died. Well see ya in 5 months.


It does really feel like a headless chicken after that october patch lol

Really wondering who in the right mind thought junk needed 150 damage nades + falloff, and cassidy needed 2 buffs.


You usually play Sigma stacked with Double Shield when Bap’s in play. The other Sigma comp is with Ball but you’d probably be on Mercy/Zen/Brig

His weapons fire is the second most annoying in the game. Slow rate of fire, loud, no pause for reload, goes around corners. ANNOYING.

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Please nerf Zarya too easy to play


By downtime, do you mean nerfs?

Sigma/Ball is a powerful combo. Slam into Accretion is deadly.

He’d need nerfs to get downtime obviously but the hero isn’t really overperforming so he’d definitely need buffs to compensate.

This would be a good chance to make him less clunky, like reduce his barrier cooldown or speed up his ROF.

Controversial and we’re way too far in now for it to ever happen…Sigma shouldn’t have been released with a shield but should have had a stronger kit to compensate. He could have been an alternative to Zarya instead of this weird do almost everything hero.