PLEASE Get Rid of Lunar Colony and Paris on Quick Play!

Both maps just benefit certain niche heroes and severely penalizes certain heroes. They aren’t bad maps, just their concept wouldn’t work well for comp standards where META dominates.

Most of complaints about these maps are from comp, then comp became a mess because often nobody cares about teamwork or take it seriously. The playerbase returned to QP and arcade modes and started complaint again about those maps and comp.

These maps are far from perfect, but they aren’t that terrible as most folks says about it. Wreckingball, symmetra, moira, sombra, sigma,, winston, doomfist, tracer, lucio, reaper, pharah, echo, torb, bastion, brig and zen often overperforms on these maps instead of META. Showing that those heroes aren’t weak, just the others are overperforming in ways that keep then on META.

It’s sad about the leavers, but at least I get my credits, lootboxes and xp from it. Most of my funny games were in paris while most of my sweaty games were on Gibraltar, Dorado and HLC

Doubt that… :laughing:

No. If anything, these maps need to be brought back to Competitive!

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