im so tired of having a team of plat and lower go against diamond and higher. i just want to play fair teams or even remotely fair teams
Engagement matchmaking. Don’t play for the win when it’s obviously one-sided. Try to survive and don’t overcommit for a kill or an objective. Be OK with a defeat.
You are playing a casino game. It’s a gamble. Even cheaters, smurfs and sweaty tryhards in QP are part of this matchmaking.
The matchmaking in OpenQueue QP is even more obviously fake looking at the teams composition. The players wanting to win choose the better heroes from the start. That’s why leavers penalty is there.
Learn to game the system if you want to have fun. Throw a few games in a row without being too obvious. See how fast the matchmaking swing in the other direction. While you wait in the spawn for you teammates to suicide, you can browse this forum.
the problem with match making is they take a number of the industry’s biggest “no nos” and apply it here".
1 ) Never stick a SOLO player in or with a group or against a team of premade players in that group.
2 ) is to never guess that just because you pop off once and do amazing you are going to do continue to have the same results every time. ALl the reason NOT to put a person against a better team until they have a long streak of wins.
3 ) never to start the player’s first game of the day as a backfill.
4 ) never to start the player’s first game of the day., 10 skill brackets higher than them.
These conspiracy theorists istg
MM this weekend has been pretty good. The big issue in groups. As long as there are groups the MM will never be able to consistently do a good job. In QP there is no matching of group skill levels like there is in comp.
The problem seems to be that they match closer to the lower level player’s rank in the duo. If you get diamond and silver they put it in gold which makes no sense. It should be up to the diamond player to make up for the silver player and they should be placed in games only a couple of rank steps lower than the high rank player - like high plat or diamond in the example.
Putting a diamond/masters player in gold is just stupid.
You know what is difference between conspiracy and the truth?
…6 months
Well, the earth wasn’t flat 6 months ago and it still isn’t flat now. Most conspiracy theories are just a way to let intelligent people laugh at idiots.
That’s because QP is largely populated by mixed-skill groups of friends playing together. It’s not a matchmaking issue; it’s the purpose of the mode. Competitive exists for people who are more concerned with playing with people people of their own rank.
It matches by skill level per person by role. For example, I’m a much higher rank than my friends. Whatever role I’m on will also have a high-rank player on the other team. The rest of my group will also have counterparts at about their own skill level on their role.
It’s actually a much more solid system than in OW1. Now you don’t get GM tanks rolling over plat tanks. If you have a GM tank, they probably do, too.
Matchmaking makes you weak. I’m all for getting rid of it all together. After all its only design goal in modern gaming is engagement. It has never worked for making fair matches where players can just worry about having fun.
Automated matchmaking in gaming has been a complete and utter failure except as a tool designers use to keep you grinding that progress bar.
FPS games where much more enjoyable when everyone was thrown into the same raging fire, good, bad, and godlike.
assuming this isn’t sarcasm, yeah if you want good matches, start throwing games. just don’t make it obvious. miss all your shots, run into the enemy 1v5, ult when you shouldn’t…wait a minute…those are the matches i keep getting xD
I hate to do this, but I’m going to agree with you on this one Daisy. Horrible way to start the day. Luckily, since they introduced leaver penalties, this is EXTREMELY RARE.
Just think if they didn’t have leaver penalties Daisy. This would be happening all the time.
First off Who is Daisy? This isn’t something like Karen or Kyle. im Not addressing you as “chad”, “Jerry” or " jared". Ie i haven’t called you names.
im Just telling it like it is. If the rules can be equally enforced across the ground on even terms, we can have things like penalties that are within “reason”.
But until they get a grip on the free account thing. We are stuck in the circle of missfortune. Where it doesn’t matter how many patches or rules you put in place on a bucket with a hole in it and Blizzard fails to cover the main leak.
Hence why we get lots more cheaters and lots more leavers now.
Even when we had Overwatch 1, who was it the most in those games that were leaving? - It seamed like it was always NEW accounts created after their sales.
The same issue we had in Competitive where it wasn’t playable because the leaves were much much much WORSE there than in Quickplay. All the same people. low level new accounts leaving.
They wont fix this problem. Blizzard are the worst in balancing a game. They cant fix anything. They do all the wrong things, maybe one right and 5 steps backwards.
They won’t fix it cause they can’t
There is no such thing as a good matchmaker…in a game like this it is extremely hard to actually predict how matches will go….
Not that it would matter even if it could….people would blame it anyway and make it entirely responsible for the experience they have
why people always complain every single one ever made (across like all games)
In fact…if they could task the smartest people in OW community with making the mm everyone says we should have the end result would be the same….everybody would be on here complaining that the mm’ing sucks
to me scoreboards show they can. If they blended the teams better I think matches would go much smoother. It always seams like one side or other has advantage.
I had to quit playing with my friends because they’re low rank and it messes up my queues for qp. Which is lame. I wish it knew that my bad friends were bringing me down. It got so annoying having to play a few games before I got back to my level. You don’t learn as much when you go 40-0 and it feels like a waste of time.
Anyway, idk if it’s just low player count but qp has been pretty bad for the last couple months ish, even while sticking to solo queue.
QP is designed to create the quickest matches possible. That is it’s priority, even over quality match making and evenly skilled teams.
The exact thing you are looking for exists. Go. Play. Comp.
You guys have got to stop complaining about QP and trying to turn in into an identical mode as Comp.
At this rate, players will soon be asking that QP include a ranking system that allows them to gain and lose points based on their wins and losses.
Soon it will be called Competitive QuickPlay Ranked Unranked.
We don’t need two exact comp modes.
Go play quick play when you are wanting to play some games, but don’t care to get too sweaty or when you want to practice a new character or try out a new strategy or comp. For when you want to play with friends and goof around or play with friends that are 4 ranks below you or you want to practice a very specific skill where winning and losing doesn’t matter because the goal is to improve so you can take it to Comp.
If you want more serious, more evenly matched games, less leavers, less throwers then you can go play Comp. It’s been in the game since 2016.
why are you so mad? i just thought it would be nice to have a fun game instead of it being one sided the entire time
En donde quiera que te veo, veo lo imbecil que estas. Acaso Âżtrabajas con blizzard?
Comp is the same bs LMAO