Please get any form of matchmaking for qp

1200% agree with your statement.

We are just getting comp 2.0 with leaver penalties there and the only people that want these penalties so badly are … (wait for it) competitive players not playing in competitive mode.

no, nobody should have to go play other modes. If Quickplay was supposed to be strict it would have been settup like that from the original designers. Instead Keller takes over and goes with an already FAILED marketing strategy which is catering to competitive players.

Something their bosses keep trying to make this game become. Which lets face it. they want a narrow few of dedicated players because A. Its easier to make the game that way, and B. it means they dont have to apply themselves because people will accept lower quality matches and smile about it.

As much as competitive players are niche and important to a game. Casual players are plenty more than dedicated competitive players out there, and despite all the gaslighting they do here.

They are not the majority. They are just the outspoken few whom think they will land a career in the professional E-sports scene. Which lets be this is every game out there. When competitive gamers are the vocal group and companies cater to them. Those game titles turn to pure (redacted). and the games do not last much longer after they flip the game.

They lose lots of players and eventually go into content drought.

Because game devs are too busy catering to them. They think that if their game is more competitive, magically their outreach will be to all these invisible hard-core gamers that supposedly exist in the world, which lets face it; DO NOT EXIST.

Games have to be made for Average Joes not Wannabe Pros.

And for clarity:

the moment someone thinks a person should be forced to remain in a match : THAT IS “Dedicated/competitive” gaming. not casual.

Casual is where you play the game and allow another person to take your place so you can take your break and do whatever. ie, people do this in board games too. or pick-up games on the street such as basketball.

Which is why people are mad here. Because we already have a COMPETITIVE MODE WITH LEAVER PENALTIES.

we dont need two comp modes.


Because we had an onslaught of newer players (newer as in after OW2 launched) that constantly complained about QP and demanded that it be treated more seriously or even exactly like comp.
They wanted leaver penalties and demanded that QP be taken just as serious as Comp, all while Comp existed the entire time. The exact things they wanted in QP were already in another mode.
The complaints were mostly coming from QP warriors who were too afraid to play comp for some reason.

Now we have an onslaught of players complaining about how the causal mode is lost and you can’t get into a QP game to play causally.
Players will report other players for playing poorly, probably because it’s where a lot of lower ranked players like to play and try take it seriously.
Everyone is so surprised that reports and bans have increased a ton over the last year. It’s because they take QP seriously and even if they are absolutely right or absolutely wrong, they will report another player that may just be lower skilled. So the lower skilled players report other players.
A mode that used to not ever have reporting, other than toxic communication, now has players reporting every game because someone is taking the mode so seriously and being toxic or because someone isn’t playing to the skill level that their team mate thinks they should be playing at… In a casual mode that has brand new players in it.
That has a lot of lower skilled players playing in it.
That has players just trying out a new role or a new character.

Now we have players demanding tighter match making in QP which won’t happen due to design of the mode which favors creating the fastest games over all else, including evenly skilled teams. A GM player can play with their Bronze friend in QP. You won’t ever have tighter match making in QP.
A mode that doesn’t even play the entire game, but only one match of defense or offense in half the maps.

The next step in requests for QP is to ask for a ranking system.
All the meanwhile, this entire time there is a mode that has EVERYTHING that has been demanding of QP by these players.

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if blizzard was smart at all they remove the stupid penalty that literally nobody wanted in the first place. im just tired of having new people on my team and they have veterans

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Have you tried to lose 10 games in a row? Have you created a new account and watch closely the balance of your matches?

Please. Tell me how you play this game only one way but you know more about it. I’ll wait for your non-answer…

Since day 1, QP matches have Silver and Master in the same lobby (back then there wasn’t private profiles). The game designer tells you there is bad luck protection and they are using engagement matchmaking. But still, people believe the game is constantly making fair matches. It’s sad.

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Last night, it was backfills after every game restart.

Had to play a round of Overwatch and then go do something. Shut game off, backfill.

Total stomp fest.

Second round of Overwatch played, backfill, stompfest again.

stopped, turned off game and went and did something else.

third round of Overwatch. backfilled Turned on game. got face kicked and stomped.

Leavers penalties never stopped backfill or did anything.

Match making is garbage because one team completely rolls the other team, and we aren’t talking like by a few points. But by massive margins. When our team cant even secure points or get an edge on the other stuff. its clear that this game is not what it USE to be.

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I meet top 500 players when im tank or support in QP. I have never ever touched OW2 ranked, never will. Matchmaking in this game is a dud.

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