Please fix Mercys super jumb glitch

Not a glitch huh? Please tell me where the in-game tutorial is for such a thing? Hmmm!?

In - game tutorial is really bad example for learning about the heroes and their abilities, lol…
As I understood, it was a glitch, but since devs publicly stated, they are going to leave it - now it´s a known ability.

Yet they leave the community to explain how to do it. Lazy.

God forbid supports not being free kills.


Sure, if we “fix” heroes like doomfist as well, you know what i mean, the tech he use.

And they never really explained why Mercy is exceptional to the rule. Maybe there’s a trade off in top tier where she will be susceptible to be shot by Hitscan, but what s about flankers? Not all flankers have vertical mobility to chase after her, on top of her low cool down GA. And what s about average ranks? Most already struggle to shoot a Mercy who only uses GA, now a Mercy having access to super jump is even more unfair.

Personally i like her super jump, the only thing remoteluly fun in an otherwise boring hero, but i still cant wrap my head around the free values of her balance.

“Superjump and rez are the best abilities in the game: thanks to them I can easily change the outcome of a fight with a single click.”

(Widowmaker main right after killing 1/2 of the enemy supports, 2021)

Baptiste can… but it’s feature instead of a bug

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The Mercy + Widomaker interactions is kind of funny going both ways.

Mercy counters Widowmaker’s 1shot kills, but Widowmaker is one of the better characters to pick out a mercy from the noise.
If widow’s on the team, Widowmaker’s frequent perches and escapes to the air provide Mercy an escape. Widow can not charge as frequently with a dmg bst up.

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Well, then put it in Mercy’s F1 menu, with clear directions on how to do it, instead of having people figure out what key combinations do have to do.
If it’s a feature, then make it so it actually looks like a feature, and not something unintended.

Honest chat here.


They don’t tell you how to do a Hog Hook kill combo.
They don’t tell you how to rocket jump with Soldier.
They don’t tell you how to do the same as Zarya.
They don’t tell you how knock yourself back as Phara.


It’s still a glitch. It still wasn’t intended, they just like it.

Mercy is by no means unkillable, but GA superjumping does make it significantly harder to kill her. It’s not predictable because you can jump yo different heights and travel at different speeds. If you jump very high, then you end up moving far away (out of many hero’s effective range) and move very quickly making you hard to track. On top of that, you can access lots of highground, making you even harder to reach.

So let’s not pretend that Super jumping isn’t an incredibly strong evasive tool. However, I still wouldn’t say it’s problematic.

baptiste and lucio intensifies

hehe i use to like it when they called it something else, the term that offended everyone :smile:

I didn´t say that. Mercy is weak squishy with weak weapom. Her strongest ability to survive is her mobility. She needs it.


I don’t agree that she needs Super jump, when GA is already extremely strong and she has her passive heal. But again, I don’t think it’s a problem that she has Super jump.

They haven’t done that with other features too you know?

Rocket Jumping with Soldier and Zarya.

Use of Phara’s E can be used on yourself.

Heck a lot of Lucio’s wallriding techniques aren’t in F1 either.

Techs and features don’t have to spelled out.

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To support this point:

What is your best “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!” for Overwatch?

Lead Hero Designer – Geoff Goodman

  • For example, the Genji ledge dashing bug was cool but both extremely overpowered and also really inconsistent/buggy feeling (which makes sense I guess, as it was a bug). That one we opted to just remove instead of trying to work out way to implement it as a feature, mostly because Genji already has really strong mobility and we didnt want to add more onto that.

From the same AMA that addressed Mercy’s SuperJump. They made it clear that Ledge Dash was inherently more powerful than SuperJump.

Moira fadejumps, Brigs Jumper Jump…

Wow I should phone up Tod Howard that officially declaring bugs as not a bug make them no longer a bug.

No, it’s still a bug much like the brig shield bash flail tech that Blizzard patched out.

Overwatch’s Physics system is far from perfect and really Blizzard shouldn’t have characters that can break it so easily. There are many instances where the physics interactions make zero sense in this game.

Blizzard should fix it for Overwatch 2. If they want to add in tech to characters, they should add it in intentionally, not as part of their broken system.