Please explain symm nerf

She could melt the whole team alone the second her fire got to lvl3. Any hero could do it but they’ll have easier threat (unless ults).

Also she deserved the damage nerf.

Good. I don’t want to fight against, or with a Symmetra on my team.

The bonus damage wasn’t comming from charging off of barriers, but lowering the skill cap dor the hit registration on beam weapons - I deep fry GM Genjis with Zarya like cheese sticks that I have no right to.

So you want a character who was in the game since before it even came out to not be a thing. Right…

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Is the sym nerf on live now?

a widow, hanzo, df, mccree, pharah, bastion, reaper, etc. can 1v6 as well if no-one contests them too as you’re saying and they don’t need to charge up 12m away from a target for at least 2.56s with both low sustain and low mobility. what’s your point? :man_shrugging:

I thought she didn’t deserve the nerf but she does (damage at leas) Do you think an widow could easily eliminate the whole team compared to a sym?

a widow annihilating an entire team doesn’t require her teammates to treat her like a slow moving, lower hp and ramping up bastion and/or the enemy team to be completely oblivious to sym throughout the entire fight to have a chance of achieving the so called 1v6.

sym is objectively not hard to kill compared to many of the cast.

I’m guessing that’s an indirect no to the question i asked. Widow can not not easily eliminate the whole team compared to the rate Sym can. While yes, Sym does need to be babied but not by a whole team like bastion does, all she requires in her venture is guaranteed heals and therefore she can accomplish it by eliminating the whole team.

Either way, Sym is like a magnet when it comes to the nerf hammer. I would prefer pre-bug-fix Sym than the recent changes. I know it’s easy eliminating sym, she’s a walking squishy, three slaps and she’s down.

0.75s full charge, rate of fire of 1.4s for fully charged shots. widow can 1shot most of the cast, 2shot most tanks. so 8 shots so that’s 10.55s.

sym on the other hand needs 2.56s charging, to do 195dps, so for 4 * 200hp targets and 2 * 400hp tanks (average hp for tanks are actually in 500’s tbh) which all totals to about 10.77s

Bring in more contextual factors, widow just needs aim and an angle, sym needs a babysit (more on this later), burn through barriers, in positions much more vulnerable to death or cc that leads to death, etc.

sym isn’t quicker nor easier

sym can’t just w+m1 with a healer pocket. she needs a tank pocket to let get get close and charge up, a healer pocket, someone to deal with a pharah, and someone to deal with a widow/hanzo (whether a flanker or via a barrier). if this isn’t sounding like a bastion tier team pocket, then idk, go try play some bastion ._.

not a justification


then what in blazes lead you to the conclusion that sym "melt the whole team alone the second her fire got to lvl3. "

Except she can. She only needs her teleport, turrets and a healer to pocket her. Her team distracts the enemy while she succeeds finishing off the team. (most case scenario). All teams need someone to take care of widow/hanzo and pharah that does not mean they need the level of babying Bastion does. (also not every enemy team consist of hitscan or sym counters) are you really comparing bastions need for babying with sym? Bastion can not function properly without being babied. Sym can. she only needs to play passively.

Widow needs aim and with the current meta angle. Sym does not require the aim widow does and therefore is easier. Maybe not quicker but easier.

Because that’s the truth though? Letting a sym get to lvl 3 is easily going to make her annoying. Like a fly, buzzing around and annoying. Playing sym myself i did not realize how much of a threat she is. Watching others play her; i do understand why they nerfed her. did i want it? no. do i care at this point? no.

I feel like this is what people don’t get… You can’t play current Symm like old Symm. “Latch on like a leech until they die”. You get punished for it. I watch too many Symms refuse to let go.

There are good ones. Insanely annoyingly good ones who know how to self-peel and when to hard engage and when to back out. How to utilize turrets, teles and shields to… never die. It’s insane.

She is a niche hero and that’s okay. It’s okaaaaaaaay if you have to swap sometimes. But tbh most people just need to learn her new playstyle and let go of the leech method because she can be really powerful. Not a lot of close-range heroes are “fun” for people and it doesn’t mean those heroes need to be buffed.

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I know. The current sym is in need for the nerf. My biased self when Blizzard confirmed she was getting nerfed was against idea. “How can a throw hero become so viable? that’s not true” and then i watched a friend play against this sym and realized the nerf was well deserved. I can work around the changes maybe not the width one. i still have my torch and pitchfork ready if the changes make her bad)

Because she’s impossible to kill first. It’d be great if we could just focus the Sym, but she’s going to have Moira and Lucio AoE heals since Syms tend to play close to their team, and her beam right now makes her pretty favorable in a lot of 1v1s. Not to mention how skinny her hitbox is

that went away with the tp cd nerf.

passive sym = near valueless sym. the only thing a passive sym can provide is a taxi tp that’d only get used at most 5% of the match (and that’s being generous), and turret coverage of 1 area at a time which tbh are actually doing nothing until the enemy comes through it. spam orbs mean hardly anything since it’s 120/(1+ distance/25)dps e.g. at 25m away it’s 60dps and that’s assuming each one of the hit. and that’s it of passive sym.

sym objectively cannot get much value by being passive. how can she be active? tp. oh wait that got nerfed to have a near valk long 12s down time. so what does she have left to engage enemies, survive, or make use out of her utility? her team. i.e.

  • her team to pave a w+m1 way for her because orbs aren’t going to do the job without tp combos because barriers,
  • her team to sustain her in her range because tp’s not there to get her out of the fight,
  • her team to actually use her tp and covered turret area because she has to play much more statically with the tp nerf and so more aggressive uses of tp and turrets have been made much more riskier when doing so via branching away from your team.

everything she does, now relies on her team for her to execute. guess who’s the same. Bastion.


She is still stronger than before the beam fix.

because as a tank, or healer you cant do s*** against her. And when a dps player try and take her on they are dead. Even if they were the one to shoot first and didnt miss as much. Also to add she is incredibly easy to get value out of.

This opinion vs opinion discussion is pointless.

Sym does not, and i repeat doesn’t require the same amount of babying Bastion does. She can function properly, he can’t. So that statement falls flat. Passive sym doesn’t equal useless sym by the way.

Wait, are we talking about “no movement ability” Symmetra here, or about the mystical “indestructible, always available turrets” Symmetra version of the forums?

If we are talking about the one that is actually in the game:

  • Reinhart can drop his shield and firestrike and hammer her to death. Should win any 1-vs-1 vs. Symmetra
  • Roadhog can hook her in, doesn’t even get damaged if he lands the hook
  • Winston can bubble and shield dance and fry her before she can kill him
  • Sigma can , gasp, dismiss his shield and stun and shoot her
  • Zarya, with bubbling herself should still have a good chance.

  • Healers could, I dunno, simply stay out of her 12m range?

Poor, sad, underpowered DPS heroes, on the other hand, are totally screwed! I mean, a doomfist slam is impossible to pull off, and a McCree using flashbang and fan-the-hammer takes near-inhuman hand-eye coordination.


Good, if more players learn that, that Glass cannon can be a treath, maybe would be less whine in the forums.(not saying she don’t deserve the nerf prefer more the width nerf than the damage nerf tough).

But from what I see in the forum is more like they refuse to think she is not a trow pick anymore(with useless excuses like no skill hero).

I face her the same way that a Doom, need to always know where she is, to not let her start melting players.