It means blizzard thinks anyone without a Specific phone carrier is a PEASANT. Including me.
Everyone is knocking at the door to the castle saying to the king, “if you let us into the Kingdom we will give you our money and pay you gold”. but the king at the door says NO, not unless you ride into town on a Clydesdale otherwise your mule has no place here! But good sir, it is still a horse and they offer to pay taxes! The king replies, so what. Let them eat stones! Turn them away!
wowee blizzard rlly not fun that i cant play the cool new game bc i have cricket wireless. it is saddening
This is a fantastic time for Blizzard to encourage the use of their authenticator app. I do not use a “post-paid” carrier because I don’t have a need to do so in my geographic area. Additionally, the service differences I would receive between a pre-paid and post-paid carrier are marginal, whereas the cost difference is exponential.
I would rather spend a bit of that cash on the actual game instead of a new phone carrier. In fact, it would be much cheaper for me to pay a monthly subscription directly to Blizzard than to switch carriers (which Blizzard would never see a dime of).
I’m not sure where the logic is on this decision.
You actually do use prepaid, that’s all cricket offers. It just means you pay before you receive service, rather than get a bill at the end of the cycle to pay. It’s a very normal thing which is why so many people are being screwed over right now by blizzard. I know some people have found a few workarounds but I couldn’t tell you them
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No is not, is intended. only some companies are allowed sadlly
To be fair, Blizzard does need to get feedback to at least quantify user impact. If all those social media platforms are up in arms, they might be convinced to make more robust long-term decisions that don’t involve ostracizing a rather large demograph of fans.
I dont get how this isn’t blowing up as a huge issue
what a dogsh*t company, making me buy a new phone for a game that will die in months.
The fact that I have used my phone number for every service on this planet without a problem and Blizzard is the ONLY company to deny it irritates tf out of me.
Can anyone confirm if you can use Cricket for Warzone? This problem doesn’t affect me as I have Verizon, but I’m confused about their reasoning for why carriers like MetroPCS are fine, but not Cricket.
Just to touch base again, I’ve found a work around for this. On android at least, I’m using the Talkatone app, I paid $4 for one month of my phone number to be permanent then cancelled my sub for talkatone. The number works with Blizzards SMS protect for now at least.
Now I just gotta get past the queue…
Agreed the louder we are the better we got to get heard
[EdgyWedgie] Once you canceled your plan, could you still use the number?
I don’t think you can.
That’s why it’s important to activate the Authenticator while you still got that number.
Because once that phone number is gone, the Authenticator is the only way you log in.
So basically you just need 1 month of a new phone number.
Use that number to activate the Authenticator.
Then login using the Authenticator from then on, instead of getting the code from SMS text.
Same situation here. I use my number almost everywhere for like several years now, and blizzard is like the “I’m gonna ruin this man’s whole carrer” meme.
Many people including myself have MetroPCS and it doesn’t work.
I noticed when people said they had put their pre paid numbers in years ago it worked fine. Now most don’t? Hmm…
Dude, what a dumb requirement, I cant play the game because I cant add my phone number due to it being crickit, even paid for ow1 and its unavaible, they actually stole money haha
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I also have cricket wireless and this is ridiculous.
It’s a little disheartening that a company this big can’t come up with a better solution for their customers or even communicate that they are working on a solution. Instead we just get a cold shoulder.
We need to try and keep this thread alive so we can get attention to this issue.
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i also have cricket, hearing that it’s always been like this is so dumb. i bought overwatch not once, but twice. since i switched to xbox from playstation i ended up having to buy the xbox version of it as well. so not being able to play either version because of this is ridiculously frustrating.
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