Please dont add forced 2-2-2

Just had so much fun with a 5 dps/1 sup comp. Please. i wanna be able to have fun like that forever.


you can, in quickplay


You can have forced 2-2-2 in LFG too. But apparently that wont work for you.


It is because most players actually dislike being locked and long queue times. Who would have guessed?


Arcade exists, go make terrible comps there


For now. But a lot of people want forced 222 in quickplay, not just comp.

I don’t like the idea on principle, but if they put it in comp only it wouldn’t be the end of the world for me.

But if they put it in quickplay, the game as I know and love it will be ruined, and I’ll have to go back to being a Mystery Heroes main. (God forbid they replace Mystery Heroes with the “Balanced Mystery Heroes” abomination from the Workshop…)

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Yeah no. If comp has became such an unfun mode where you are forced to play specific heroes then why would anyone play it at all? For a golden weapon that doesn’t really give you anything?

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Nah I want 2-2-2, thanks. Game will be easier to balance without having to worry about roles potentially being stacked.


That’s fine, and you have every right to get to play a balanced game. But why can’t it be an optional system so you can choose whether you want a guaranteed 222 or to roll the dice and have a more flexible comp? Most of the opposition aren’t strictly against the idea of 222, we’re against the idea of being forced to do it. Make it optional and everyone can play the game the way they want to play it.

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I mean, for every good game where you somehow win with a lolrandom comp, there’s 20 when you roll your eyes and say “Guess we don’t have a tank… AGAIN.” And are spawn camped for 5 minutes.


LFG exists. Go destroy creativity and be boring there.


Look, just picking whatever you want isn’t being creative. Did you get together with your team in advance and decide on an unconventional composition intentionally? I’m going to guess you didn’t.


Please put 222 in jeff. Dont listen to OP


Odds on OP being the healer in this 5 dps 1 support comp???


Nope. But we won either way, because we all communicated and no one gave up. Everyone made suggestions to swap, but no one did, and no one got toxic, and then we all communicated and we won.

Bad team comps have never made anyone lose, its lack of determination and lack of communication. Which 2-2-2 won’t fix.

You probably actually won because then other team had as stupid a comp as you did, or you just got lucky with a vastly better team.

Most games are won or lost in the spawn room. You just had a rare one that wasn’t.


Honestly? Yes, sometimes that’s exactly what I do.

I’m not looking to just randomly run 5 dps and a very unhappy tank/support player, communication is absolutely key.

But that doesn’t mean we have to force the most rigid structure imaginable just to get good games. We’re not all super serious competitive tryhards (no offense). 222 will not fix all your games, but it will prevent flex players from being able to swap to other roles to cover any weaknesses in your team.

At least in quickplay, if not across the board, 222 should be an option for those who want to use it, without forcing it on everyone else.

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What they really need to do is fix LFG so that people actually want to use it…

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Look, I am a flex player. I play all roles well. In theory. In reality I pretty much fill tank until I get sick of it and rage and then I lose games until I fill tank again.

I basically never get to play what I want anymore. That’s why I want 2-2-2; so I can sit down and say “Today, I would like to play Lucio” and then not have to play Orisa ten times in a row.


Just to clarify, a 2-2-2 system will not force you to play anything. You are simply set in the role you selected for the duration of the match. The purpose of the proposed system is to ensure higher quality games for everyone, particularly tank and support players. Playing solo tank or solo support is widely regarded as a miserable experience. YMMV

Just wanted to clarify before someone started complaining about not being able to choose their hero. Been seeing that argument a lot in these threads. 2-2-2 has issues, but forcing you to play a role you didn’t sign up for is not one of them.